Rhino's old cage isn't purple, it's the blue and white 'chewproof' superpet cage. currently it is Guss's quarantine cage. it's a decent size, but the small doors can be a bit of a pain in the tookus. that's why i like Rhino's big cage, i can fit my whole upper body through the doors!
as for the fleece, i got the blue/green/yellow 'squares' set from AnnieO here on the forum. the whole set is a hanging house, fleece tube, bottom liner and cuddle buddy. the solid green fleece i picked up from my local fabric store, along with some blue as well. the blue and green solids match the blue and green in the patterned fleece set. lucked out with great timing, the fabric store was doing a huge sale on fleece, about 5 bucks a metre! woo hoo! lol.