chocolate vs. dark/extra dark tan???

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New member
Dec 6, 2010
What are the things you look for when determining whether or not a chinchilla is a dark/extra dark tan or a chocolate? I have heard that their hair must be a very dark tan all the way down the hair to the skin & I have heard that even the skin should be a tan color to be chocolate. The Dam is a het. beige & the Sire is a dark/extra dark white ebony. :confused3:thanks
It is a general agreement with most people (there are a few who believe otherwise) that a chocolate and a dark tan are the same thing.
I have been told time and time again by breeders there is no such color called a chocolate. People and pet owner call them that because it sounds good. The color of the chocolate is as Kristy said, a dark tan
As told to me by the ranchers that have seen chocolates (I've also seen one) a chocolate is NOT a dark tan. A chocolate is more like an extra extra extra dark tan and they do and can exist as they have before. They are hard to develop because you have to find the right ebony lines that have the genes for making the beige color dark enough that it almost looks black. Chocolates are an even dark chocolate brown. Many people use chocolate as a selling term for dark or extra dark tans which to me is as much of a misuse of a term as calling an ebony "hetero" or "homo".
Well, now I think I'm really confused. Does anyone have a picture of a chocolate compaired to a extra dark/dark tan? I have heard that tans darken with chocolates also darken with age? I have also read that the chin's body color will change to the color depth of it's tail. True vs. False. :wacko: