Chin's guilty pleasure?

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Active member
Jan 9, 2012
Hello everyone! haven't posted in a while.
Anyways, I was wondering... What does your chin do that he/she is not supposed to? Mine loves chewing pencils/eating books.

Please post a picture of catching your chin red handed in the act!

Attached is a pic of my chin chewing books.
I can't get any work done when chins are playing because they either eat my books or run off with my pencil to eat it!! Lol
i play a lot of video games (im a young guy haha) and Wally loves jumping onto my lap, then onto my hands while im holding the controller. She'll then chew the bottons that my thumbs are on!
Definitely pooping in my bed....once night there was about 50 poops!
When we're out in the playroom Rosey always tries to eat my hair... and if I'm not vigilant enough, she'll also chew holes in whatever I'm wearing. This is despite having an abundance of wooden tunnels, chew toys and hay to choose from!!!
Stripping off wallpaper. For some reason, Fuzz-Man loves to do this. I have to be very, very vigilant when it's chin playtime, lol.
My chins have two guilty pleasures. One is hiding in the bookcase and chewing on my books. They don't want to chew on anything else, just books. and the older the BETTER. The other is that there is a trashcan in my bathroom that they have both claimed as theirs. So when they are running around, they both need to pee all over it to 'take it back' and it just drives me bonkers.