My chins listen to a station that I can barely stand. It's the same few songs over and over again, the same annoying pop music songs. Lots of John Mayor and stuff like that. I used to let them listen to the country music station, which was annoying because it was 24/7 nonstop country music, but I can't get a country station to come in clear enough.
They LOVE music, they love people talking...they especially love childrens' laughter. Figure that one out. The chins' favorite part of their radio station is on Sunday nights when there is a talk show on with a British lady speaking. I think that they would much rather have her around than me.
Also, try to sing like an opera singer even if you can't sing on key. They enjoy that immensely. (Do I spend too much time with fuzzy rodents? YES I DO!)
Chinchillas can hear the same frequency ranges that people can hear. They were used for hearing aid research because of this, and used in some not so nice experiments because of this, as well. Anything we like, they will like. If it sounds pretty to us, they seem to love it - classical music, music with lots of personality like country and dance music and pretty human voices and laughter.