Chins and TV??

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2009
Independence, Ky
Ok i would like to get an opinion on this topic. I read somewhere that chins enjoy watching TV for stimulation. Is this true. Since I have read it I have actually been keeping the T.V on at night for my 2 guys and they are hooked. Bothing sitting on a wood ledge at the front of the cage starring at the TV. So do you think they enjoy watching it or not??? :hmm:
I think they like it. I leave a radio on for them at all times in the chin room, they like country! Haha, and classical I hear as well. I don't see why the tv would be any different.
Ditto here: Nemo, Charlotte's Web, The Grinch and Barnyard are favorites for my guys.
Nibbler does enjoy him some Adult Swim. :D I do think they enjoy the wide variety of sounds. I think it's more that then the video, as since we installed surround sound they don't really stare at the TV like they did.
I would think it would be the sound they like. I don't have it set up yet but I plan on getting my radio going in the chinchilla room. I just haven't gotten to it yet. It is on my list right after finish unpacking boxes
I really never thought about stimulation from video or audio. I'll have to try it for Tink and see if I get a reaction...
Kunya loves to watch tv with us and I turn on the music choice channels for him too! He seems to really enjoy that! He just can't get enough of the 80's!! LOL :)
lol Thats fun. I think I'm going to have to have music on more often. I did try putting on music one night while we were having playtime and the boys seemed much more active and way more vocal. lol Thanks for the tip!
My chins listen to a station that I can barely stand. It's the same few songs over and over again, the same annoying pop music songs. Lots of John Mayor and stuff like that. I used to let them listen to the country music station, which was annoying because it was 24/7 nonstop country music, but I can't get a country station to come in clear enough.

They LOVE music, they love people talking...they especially love childrens' laughter. Figure that one out. The chins' favorite part of their radio station is on Sunday nights when there is a talk show on with a British lady speaking. I think that they would much rather have her around than me.

Also, try to sing like an opera singer even if you can't sing on key. They enjoy that immensely. (Do I spend too much time with fuzzy rodents? YES I DO!)

Chinchillas can hear the same frequency ranges that people can hear. They were used for hearing aid research because of this, and used in some not so nice experiments because of this, as well. Anything we like, they will like. If it sounds pretty to us, they seem to love it - classical music, music with lots of personality like country and dance music and pretty human voices and laughter.
I leave my tv on for my dogs so that they have background noise (they love animal planet) and something going on while im @ work @ night... Id assume it would be the same for chins.
Some of mine love watching TV. Others don't pay any attention to it at all.
Mine are not so much into TV but they seem to enjoy a mellow radio station. At least I think they like the radio. They do seem quieter on the nights that the radio is on and on nights when I haven't put it on they seem to bounce around and squawk more which lead me to believe they might be somewhat bored? I really don't know, just guessing.
My standard Andy loves watching movies on my lap. He loves music too but my mosaic came along and he doesn't like music, he cries so no more music.
Trixie enjoys TV as well. She likes color and music. A couple of favorite shows areDancing with the Stars (the sparklier the better) and Nashville star. Interesting, she also likes husband watches football and boxing, and she will perch and watch both.
Country music seems to be an ongoing theme. I have heard of many chins who like it. And the guinea pig I owned before getting Trixie would listen to country all day. I wonder why.
My girls sit together and watch me while I'm on my computer. But when the tv is on at night, they hop around their cage like crazy. Pikachu does like to watch tv after she calms down.

This is what I see every time I turn around while at my computer:
Paco loves to watch Without a Trace and anything on court tv...I think he wants to be a FBI

and all of my chins love the song Part of your world from the little mermaid...I had it stuck in my head one day and was singing it and all the chins hopped to the front of their cages and just stared at me....and Chimi and Chiquita like Britney Spears (they are the youngest so maybe they are into the tween
Bryson really seems to like any type of cartoon. He does have favorites though like Family Guy, King of The Hill, and anything on Adult Swim.

He also really seems to enjoy 80's hair metal playing while he has his playtime. He seems to enjoy Poison and Van Halen, though, I am just going by his sudden increase of energy when these bands play on my iPod.