chins and rabbits

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Hi guys ....i been thinking about getting a rabbit and have two chins at home..i heard that they may pass certain diseases to this true? Would it be okay to have the rabbit if housed seperatly of course. But I let my chins out for playtime and would want the rabbit let out too but not at the same time. Thank you all.:)
Rabbits carry pasteurella. I would not let the chins out for playtime in the same room that a rabbit has been in previously. If you do a search for "pasteurella" tons of threads will pop up.
This explains it

Transmission of pasteurellosis from an infected rabbit is through direct contact with nasal secretions, including transmission through the air when the infected rabbit sneezes. The spread can also occur through licking open wounds; sharing water and food bowls, litter boxes, and toys; and carrying the bacteria on caregiver’s skin or clothing. The disease can be shared during mating (genital infections), and a mother rabbit can pass infection to her kits.

Each rabbit is unique, and it’s impossible to predict how a bunny will react to the presence of P. multocida. To paraphrase Dr. Meredith: some rabbits will resist infection, others will succumb; some rabbits will expel the bacterium, others will become carriers; some rabbits will develop a less serious chronic condition, others will suffer from acute disease.

When there is more than one group of rabbits in a home, keeping the groups separate may be recommended, especially if one group is predisposed to pasteurellosis. It’s been shown that a separation of as little as four feet can slow transmission. If possible, separating the groups into different areas of the house will be helpful. Remember that we, as caregivers, can spread the bacteria from one group to another.
Ive had my current dwarf rabbit for 7 yrs and had chinchillas for 6 yrs and have never had a problem ever. They are housed in the same room/area (obviously in seperate cages) and my vet (Angie Keffer) says its absolutely fine. Just wanted to put that out there
I have a dwarf bunny and a chinchilla and they are in love! They play together every day. I didn't know bunnies have or could have this disease...?
Does it mean my chin has is now too or only if the bunny is infected?


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Ingola - don't let them play together. You are risking your chin for no good reason.

To the OP - I had a rabbit for six years at the same time as I had my chins. I never had a problem. I kept them separate and didn't let them interact and Fudge lived out her life happily in her section of the house.
We have 13 rabbits, run a small scale rabbit rescue and we simply take precautions to keep anything from passing between them. We've had Magyk for a few years (Going on 6 now I believe) and have not had a problem.