I've had one spontaneously chew a hole right through the bottom of a plastic pan. Right in the middle! Was a rescue that got dropped off in one of those rabbit cages.
I never saw any pieces from that cage, so I assume she ingested it and passed it.
You know the hard plastic they use in cat carriers? Had one eat through the side of my good one in less than the 4 hrs, 45 min it took me to get to Seattle - had to fish him out from under my gas pedal in Vantage. Tipped it on it's side, and he proceeded to pull up and eat my floor mat.

Believe it or not, I stopped in Cle Elum, got a paper sack, put him in it, then put it in the carrier. Surprisingly enough he didn't chew through it.
Had that carrier for over 10 years, it served many cats and adult chins, and that little buggar ate through the side like it was nothing. I heard him chewing, but it wasn't anything abnormal. Never had one leave anything other than teeth marks in it.
I have also had them chew off 1/2" steel cage pan rims. They can go though some tough stuff.