Chinchilla Chateau
I normally don't make people use hand sanitizer when they come to see my chins because they are not going to be handling my chins. It is not a petting zoo! The only chins they can hold are those they are interested in adopting. I do tell them no kissing the chins - petting and holding only - as chins can contract some illness from humans. The one that scares me and I believe is what Dawn dealt with (I believe it was with Spice?) is herpes simplex, cold sores. Actually, I was not aware of this until I heard Dawn's story... I believe it caused brain lesions in the affected chinchilla but the cagemate was carrying it without any symptoms and had contracted it from her previous owner. I may not have the story completely straight but I do remember her chin dying from it.
If a person is sick/showing signs of illness, I don't let them handle my chins or come in the chin room at all. I don't want my chins coughed and sneezed on...
If a person is sick/showing signs of illness, I don't let them handle my chins or come in the chin room at all. I don't want my chins coughed and sneezed on...