Quite often it is couples, the girl may have mentioned it originally but it's the guy that is excited about holding, petting and interacting.
^^I could say I am proof of your words. Off subject I mentioned wanting a chinchilla, that next week for my birthday I had one. and this is how it went:
My boyfriend told his friend what he wanted to get me. The guy looked up local petstores found one with chins and went there. He played and cuddled them until he found the most social. My boyfriend gets off work, they go buy a cage, food, etc; go back pick up the chin, and set up the cage. They then watch as then chin makes short work of these silly "ferret ramps" and both note how "ninja chinchillas are." Ninjas are manly. They also notice that every now and then he'll just stare at you, as if he were plotting your doom. They named him Dr. Death. <pretty manly name if you ask me...
So, I have my Dr. Death which I spoil for about six months until Jeremy comes to me one days as I'm researching the colors chins can be and he notices a pic of an ebony...
"I want one... =(" fastforward 2 months and we are on our way to Texas to pick up an ebony male. This little guy is spunky, up-in-your-face like he owns the place. That chin has come to be known as Morgan Freeman (who, is an amazing actor and pretty much a classy bada**).
If two male chinchillas named Dr. Death and Morgan Freeman aren't manly, then I don't what is...
And yeah, at first his friends made fun of him, but one they held the soft cuddliness they no longer made fun of him. Especially after they see them jump, cause let's face it// chinchillas ARE ninja!! XD
so you won't loose man points for owning a chinchilla, or 2, or 3...