Chinchilla noises randomly

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Feb 5, 2019
Memphis, TN
I’m not exactly sure why, but sometimes at random moments my chinchilla makes sounds whenever no one’s present or in a different room. Is it because she’s bored or something? She does have another friend to hang out so I’m not sure why she does that. I know it’s not threatening and she perfectly fine when I check up on her. I really appreciate it if anyone could help me out on what it could mean.
It depends on the noise, but most likely she hears, sees, or smells something and letting everyone know. It could be anything really, a noise in the house, a noise she hears from outside (animals, wind, cars, etc), or even something she smells or sees like the smell coming though the house from cooking or a shadow moving in the room, etc. Also if she makes a noise and realizes it can cause you to come running then she could also be training you to come when "called" because she is bored and/or wants something, lol.
My chin does the same thing. He squawks really loudly at random times when I'm in or outside of the room. It sounds like he's hurt or in distress but when I come in to check on him he's fine! Maybe he just wants some attention. :)
My chin does this from time to time even when I'm in the room while he's sleeping - he's having what seems to be a "chinny nightmare". Makes the warning / alarm sound but doesn't seem to have any issues when I check on him nor is distressed. It could be he's sleeping when he's making these sounds.
Exactly, same with Ernie! At first, I was worried that something was terribly wrong because the sounds were so awful sounding. He also makes some other real high pitched sounds that are even more terrifying and sounds like he's broke a leg or something, but again, when I go to check on him, he's fine.
I sleep in the same room as mine........... fun
Her wheel and jumping around doesn’t bother me but sometimes times she starts barking in the middle of the night. The first I ever heard it I got out of bed turned the light and sure if she was fine. She would then continue to do it and stop and then start again. I even tried to give her treats to get her to stop. It scared the crap out of me. I have only had her since March and she has only done it like 4 or 5 times. Fun fact: I got got her the weekend before everything shut down.
Well RedRuby, sounds like you're not alone on the chin sounds! Maybe get some earplugs to sleep? ;)
I used to think she wanted to play with me. In April, 4 nights in a row, Precious barked at 230 am. She didn't bark the 5th.... The 4th day, we found 1/2 of Mr. Bunny, our yard cottontail. He was eaten by a coyote. We still miss the bunny. he lived under a tree about 4 years.I think Precious was trying to tell us.
Shadow just started barking about 4-5 times the last two nights at 3:30am then he stops. I was wondering what the problem was as well. He still had plenty of food, water, chew items?
My chin does this from time to time even when I'm in the room while he's sleeping - he's having what seems to be a "chinny nightmare". Makes the warning / alarm sound but doesn't seem to have any issues when I check on him nor is distressed. It could be he's sleeping when he's making these sounds.

One of my chinchillas (two lovely ladies approximately 3 1/2 years old) definitely has nightmares. She goes in bouts. She and her cage mate like to sleep in the same hammock together, or on a broad corner ledge. When she has a nightmare, her barking wakes the other chinchilla up, who just moves away and looks sleepy when I check on them. The nightmare-having chinchilla seems absolutely none the wiser. The nightmare-having chinchilla has a cut in her ear that the vet said was a breeder mark. I rescued my ladies, so I have no idea about their history or whether they were bred as pets or something else. However, because of the mark, I am concerned that the one has some kind of PTSD or something. I reassure her by talking sweetly and make sure everything's okay, but I don't know how to stop it. They otherwise seem quite happy and healthy.
Shadow just started barking about 4-5 times the last two nights at 3:30am then he stops. I was wondering what the problem was as well. He still had plenty of food, water, chew items?
3:30 am is highly active playtime for mine. Probably hears something you can't and alarm-calls. Could be lonely if he's an only chin. They like company and if barking gets your attention, they'll sometimes do it for that. But my chins make happy, chirpy, mousy kind of calls to me when they're in a good, playful mood.
3:30 am is highly active playtime for mine. Probably hears something you can't and alarm-calls. Could be lonely if he's an only chin. They like company and if barking gets your attention, they'll sometimes do it for that. But my chins make happy, chirpy, mousy kind of calls to me when they're in a good, playful mood.
Can owner's best attention effectively compensate a chin's lack of company? How many chins do you have?:)