Chinchilla is Barking/Chirping/Something

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Active member
Oct 23, 2011
Maybe 3/4 times a week usually at this time (5pm) my chinchilla will start making noises... he burrows under the fleece pan liner i have usually during the day cus its dark and what not and thats where he makes the noises which is kind of like a heaving noise... he will usually make about 5 "noises" then it will slow and then stop... help?

its somewhat similar to this!
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I feel like he wouldnt even know if i was close since he is under the pan liner? and he shudnt be afraid of me, ive had him for 2/3 months and he lets me pet him all the time (yet i still cant pick him up)... and its completely quite right now... nobody is here
Maybe 3/4 times a week usually at this time (5pm) my chinchilla will start making noises... he burrows under the fleece pan liner i have usually during the day cus its dark and what not and thats where he makes the noises which is kind of like a heaving noise... he will usually make about 5 "noises" then it will slow and then stop... help?

its somewhat similar to this!

ALSO while im at it... he is running around now for play time, and sometimes on occasion he will like run into things as if he is blind or something lol is this normal? or could it possibly be he is partially blind?
If he is under his fleece when he does the warning call, he could be dreaming. I have one that does it randomly in his sleep and if I wake him up he looks at me like I'm crazy. I don't even react to it now.

As far as the bumping into things, could he be wall surfing? Chins will run at a wall at full speed and bounce off it for fun.
sorry for all the posts, cant figure out how to edit posts... but after some research this is the noise exactly:
i see its a warning noise, but im not sure why... i was the only person in the room and it was quiet... and like i said ive had him for a few months now
sorry for all the posts, cant figure out how to edit posts... but after some research this is the noise exactly:
i see its a warning noise, but im not sure why... i was the only person in the room and it was quiet... and like i said ive had him for a few months now

Quiet to you is not quiet to a chinchilla. Maybe your foot brushed up against a plastic bag or your phone vibrated from a text message. They can and do pick up on the smallest things. Sometimes I'll call out to my chin really loud and he won't move a muscle but if a rattly car drives by and my window is open the noise will give him a scare.

Just because you've had a chinchilla for several months doesn't mean he's warmed up to you entirely, some members have had chins for years before they've been able to honestly say that their chin is comfortable around them. At the end of the day chin's are prey animals and any little thing can make them head for the fleece covered hills...
it could be possible that he's dreaming.
my girl does it when she's sleeping (she's in my living room)
so i just tell her that she's okay
and she'll look at me and go back to sleep.
haha thats so crazy... seems like quite a good possibility i guess if multiple ppl are having this "problem" too... he just did it right now again and hes just hangin out under his fleece pan liner... odd haha
I have had my chin for about 6 months now. A couple of weeks ago he woke me up in the middle of the night doing the same thing. It scared me and i sat with him for an hour. I read the forum and come to the conclusion that he was having a bad dream.
Once in awhile Idgie will make the warning cry when she is sleeping. She'll usually stop on her own, but I naturally tell her that it's okay.
I'll be napping on the couch and Ozzy will let out his warning barks. They wake me up and when i say "whats wrong Ozzy?" he looks at me and then goes to his house and sleeps. I think hes just making sure I'm okay:laughitup:
Sookie does this noise at night when something startles her, at night when this crystal lamp she just cant stand is on, when we dont turn a night light on, and when she has nightmares... At first is scared the life out of me but now I just say "sook it ok" and shell usually stop mid cry and continue on with whatever it was shes doing.. Its similar to the warning call in a falsetto.
My chin, Bullet, does this ALL the time in the middle of the night. I used to freak out and think something was wrong, but I've come to realize (like others) that he is just dreaming. He must have one crazy imagination too! Still, it wakes me up (mine chin's in the living room/dining room area too) every time. Even though I know he's probably just dreaming, I can't help but get up and make sure he's ok. Like OBCSED's chin, Bullet looks at me like I'm crazy if he wakes up to me petting him in the middle of the night.

I think chins tend to be a bit clumsy and aloof. They are definitely creatures of habit and seem to run around objects based on where they remember them to be rather than where they actually are sometimes. For example, if I let Bullet out to play and he does a couple of circles around the play area, he is pretty graceful. If I move one of his toys into the path he has been running in, he will bump into whatever I move almost inevitably. That's why consistency seems to be so important for chins.
Zidane does that probably every afternoon which is when he normally is snoozing in either his tube or shelf. More than likely it's just chinny nightmares. At this point (I've had him for over six months) I've gotten pretty used to it. The first time, however freaked me out. I think he got annoyed with me because I kept asking him what was wrong and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep.

He has never done it at night though (thankfully because I'm a very light sleeper). I guess he's too busy partying to sleep! Of course that doesn't stop him from doing it in the morning if I try to sleep in...