Chinchilla cage??!! (Critter nation/ferret nation cage dupes) - Feisty ferret cage?

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user 15900

Aug 22, 2017

Hi guys! :wave:
I was wondering if there were any dupes for the Critter Nation or Ferret Nation cage available in Europe (there is no shipping for CN or FN to Serbia from United Kingdom on ebay, and on amazon the shipping is $1.000+).

Do you have any opinions on the Feisty Ferret cage? Is it suitable for two chinchillas? Is it hard to clean? Is the hole in the middle annoying? Is it noisy?

Thanks to who ever helps out :heart3:

-dupes - very similar to the original, but not the original.
The closest thing to a ferret/critter nation I was able to find is the Savic Royale Suite 95 [there's an XL version too - and it's huge]. The dimensions are nearly exactly the same and they have the same nice latches on the doors. I'm fairly certain they're made by a German company, so there is a good chance you'd be able to find it somewhere in mainland Europe. They definitely pop up on ebay sometimes, but I think you can actually find better deals elsewhere! There's also the Liberta Explorer (second edition) which is similar but there are some design differences. I'm not sure where this one is manufactured, but I think it's also European.