Chinchilla Breeders in IN

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Spectre, I don't mean to sound mean but I hate to break it to you....if you want a chin from a good breeder you're going to have to either suck it up and drive, or set up a railroad. I have lived in both southern and central Indiana, and have been in the chinchilla world for 4? 5? years now. There aren't any breeders in this area of Indiana. Reputable ones, anyway. Trust me..I have looked and looked.
Hm interesting point Threewingedfury, I'll be sure to check that out. Does anyone know of a collaborative list containing registered chinchilla breeders? I feel like Google-ing all my questions is terribly ineffective.
Haha Stackie, not at all! I completely understand that I may have to drive the distance. I just figured I would exhaust all of my resources before I drove ;)
Well I'm tellin ya right now that you aren't going to find anyone within 3-4 hours of you ;) Some breeders are willing to drive a certain distance to meet you. If I were you, I would just post a wanted ad with information on what kind of chin you are looking for and how far you are willing to drive. That way breeders could see how far you can drive and could maybe work a meeting place or halfway point out. I have gotten one of my chins from Cat75 here when I lived in Vincennes, and she met me in Terre Haute. I believe she travels to Indiana frequently and may be able to meet you somewhere.
Thanks for the help Stackie :)

I'm currently in conversation with greychins about some of her little guys. Nothing wrong with getting a cute little chin and supporting someone on this site haha ;)