Chinchilla acting odd

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Southern California
So for the past day or 2 Roo has been acting a little weird. Just not very active when I come over to pet her. Its 10:30 at night and she is fast aslpee which is very odd. She has been on her cooling stone but it did't get that hot today (68 degrees was the high) and i had my window open and some fans ruuning. She is eating and drinking normally. I just can't put my finer on it but she is just acting strange.
so update:
Its the next day and she is fast asleep again. Her ears are nice and cool and so is the rest of her body. She is no longer on her cooling stone and my roo, is nice and cool for her. It wasn't until like 1 am that she decided to jump on me and hang out. Before that she wanted nothing to do with me. She has been really sleepy. I am going to cut treats completely out of her diet and see if that helps. She did chew on her toys last night but as far as I am aware did not run on her wheel which she typically does. Its 66 degrees outside but I am not sure whether or not I should open the window to let cool air in and circulate the hot air out. Again it ins't hot in here but I typically keep it like 60 degrees in my room.