Chin. with bad cut

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No, no bird seed. That is not good for her.

She needs lots of critical care--how much is she getting per day, and how often are you feeding?
Get her off the bird seed. It is not good for them at all. That could also attribute to her small poos.
i am giving her anything i can think of that she may eat on her own.
she has not been eating the bird seed much that i can tell so i will take it away. she eats the wheat germ by herself. I am trying to give her 4 grams two times a day, I try to shoot for three but my work schedule has been getting in the way. When I add enough water to get it to fit a syringe the 4 grams gets to be more then what Molly wants to take. Starting tommorrow i want to see if she will take 3 grams five times a day (i don't think she will want this much). I am giving her half the amount of bene bac today because I am giving her the critical care too. Life line has not come yet. I was trying to get to where i was not handling her so much but i don't think she will take 4 grams three times a day much less 4 times a day.
Chins with digestive issues should get CC only, I personally would not give wheat germ to any chin let alone one who is having motility issues. Lifeline is ok when used with CC, but I only feed CC if I have one who is having issues with the digestive tract. The more CC the better, fed in small amounts throughout the day.
Did the vet tell you to give half the amount of BeneBac gel? If they did not I would just give the amount you were told too. The BeneBac gel is beneficial to regulating the good flora in the GI track, vice the bad stuff flourishing even more than it already has.
Molly is slowly healing. I have the med for gas, critical care, lifeline, reglan. I try to get her to eat 20 to 30 ml of cc a day, I can't get her to eat any more than that. When feeding her I have her in a towel with only her nose/mouth out and force her to eat it. I just got the lifeline and the person i brought it from sent "rescue 100% Plus+" a critical meal replacement that has lifeline in it also. The directions say if chin is not eating much give the lifeline. After she starts eating more on her own give her the meal replacement. She is eating hay so she is probably not backed up and thats when you give only the lifeline so I can probably give her the meal replacement. or lifeline and cc. She has been pooping, the amount depends on how much cc I can make her eat. She is fighting me more now than when i first started force feeding her.

thanks for all your help and i will keep you updated.

everything with molly is going well except for how much she eats on her own. Anyone have any idea's when her appetite will go back to normal.
A cut will not cause any of these digestive issues, there is/was obviously something else going on in there.

you can't lift them up to much and feed them it can go the wrong way
I'm actually amazed no one commented on this, I'm not sure where you heard this but chins generally eat sitting up... straight up. This allows gravity to help move the food down into the stomach and is the ideal position to feed. I have also tipped chins back onto their backs to hand feed, kits often lay on their backs to eat while nursing as well.

I would recommend you stay here and learn or find a mentor who is KNOWLEDGEABLE, because this thread has a lot of scary information in it.

Mollys cut is almost gone and now shes got diarrhea. I am giving her cc, lifeline and reglan.:hair:

took her back to the vet feb 4 and they said she has an abscess in the area thats left of the original wound but I don't see much difference. She is acting like it hurts to poop and it has swelled up. I will try and post pictures. I am giving her .2 ml of bactrim (don't know the strength?), reglan (keep her gut moving), cc, lifeline, soak in warm water which she doesn't seem to mind, maybe even likes it a little. trying to keep silver sulfadiazine on it. The vet didn't drain anything and i guess its on the inside....

keep her in your thoughts, i have pulled her through so far I am going to pull her the rest of the way.
If your chin has an underlying abscess then Bactrim is not going to touch it - why didn't the vet give you Baytril and why didn't he open up the abscess and drain it?

I would not use Flamazine cream - did the vet prescribe it? I would not want the chin licking it.

Can you post any photos of the problem?

Also, is your chin eating properly yet?

bactrim is the same thing as TMZ and i heard on this site that tmz can affect there appetite less than batril but she is only really eating what i force feed because it hurts to poop. The vet prescribed the silver cream stuff and i put the cream on and cover it and put a collar on her so she will stay away from the area for a couple hours and then i take everything off. Two vets saw her. Sunday when i was cleaning it yellow fluid came out of her anus which i believe was the abcess rupuring and the area where the swelling was went down so I believe that the abcess is internal where the original injury was.


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Right, ok that's helpful - thank you.

So she has an open wound - hence the silver (personally I still wouldn't use Flamazine but that's just me).

Septrin is not always effective - if this abscess is not responding to the Septrin then she may need Baytril - did they ever swab the wound to check which bacteria are present and which antibiotics would be effective?

It is possible that your chin has a fistula rather than just an abscess ............. I would be concerned that there is faecal matter being passed through that wound.

fistula definition - medical

fis·tu·la (fĭsˈchə-lə)
noun pl. fis·tu·las or fis·tu·lae (-lēˌ)
An abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the body surface, or from one organ to another.

How often are you syringe feeding her and how much is she taking?
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how will i be able to tell if the bactrim is working?
what is Flamazine and Septrin?
One of the vets told me that the yellow fluid that came out was serum but this is a part of the blood and i don't believe that sounds right?

I have no idea whether it is a abcess or a fistula, two vets said abcess but they didn't drain it and i gave them a fecal sample.
every couple hours 6 ml, probably 18 to 24 ml a day, she doesn't want to take much more

Right, ok that's helpful - thank you.

So she has an open wound - hence the silver (personally I still wouldn't use Flamazine but that's just me).

Septrin is not always effective - if this abscess is not responding to the Septrin then she may need Baytril - did they ever swab the wound to check which bacteria are present and which antibiotics would be effective?

It is possible that your chin has a fistula rather than just an abscess ............. I would be concerned that there is faecal matter being passed through that wound.

How often are you syringe feeding her and how much is she taking?