Chin poop

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Tired of picking up chin poop

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • Doesn't bother me

    Votes: 57 57.0%
  • Someone else does it

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Does anyone ever get sick of all the chin poop that has to be picked up. I mean I only have five, and I know alot of you have many more (you breeders, rescurers, etc) and I'm constantly sweeping the bedroom they are in.

Man-o-man, if only you could sell chin poop we'd all be rich. lol
im sick of it. lol i bought a hand held vacume lol and i everyday get them off the floor. i at least try to get the girls cage every other day
I spent the majority of my day today modifying my cage even more to keep even more of the poo in their cage. It won't work though. I am always finding more poop. Last night they had a party of something b/c there was so much more than usual!! It filled up my vacuum. I was just thinking the same thing.
It doesn't bother me more than hay or anything else on the floor, but of course I get sick of cleaning it up!
I feel like a total slob admitting this, but I usually just vacuum once or twice a week - hey if the poop's gonna pile up anyway might as well make it count haha! I do wonder if my friend (who visits a lot) is offended by chin poop city, but I figure it's along the same lines as cat/dog hair everywhere.
I am with you gella and I have 4 of them! I hand vacuum the play area (just moved it to the kitchen) but around the cages the poop will sit for most of the week. So I don't get sick of picking up poo but I do get tired of picking up the random hay pieces. I do that daily.
Chin poo doesn't face me one bit. Part of the package of deal of having chins. That's why you get a dog who enjoys this gourmet delicacy ;) Plus it is always a good play toy for my cats when it travels outside my chin room
Oh my god, if I could sell chin poop, HAHA! I'd be ROLLING in cash. I'd have a mattress stuffed with it, 2 pillows stuffed, dressers exploding with money, mmm...Even if it was just a penny per turd, I'd rack up thousands within no time!
Oh, yeah, enough of my illusions of cash...
Yeah, I love my babies, but it'd be awesome if they didn't poo haha. I know it's a package deal and I'm willing to clean up after them, but I can still have my dreams can't I?
And paris26, I have a dog that will go behind the chins and eat their poo, I don't know whether it's healthy or not so I won't let him...Maybe I should ask the masters on here.
it don't bother me that much any more. I riped out the carpet in my old chin room so I could weep. then when i moved them to the bigger room now that there is carpet we use the shop vac!!
I agree with previous replies - the poo is essentially a non-issue, but the hay mess... ugh!!! :)
The poo is dry and contained, it doesn't stick, it doesn't stink, it isn't dusty. Once a week I suck it off the floor and have done with it.

But that &*^$%@# hay is the bane of my existence. *grumbles about clogged washer hoses and utility sinks*
I think my two girls that live together have "poop fights" in the middle of the night. I will find poo 5 or 6 feet away from their cage!! Between that and the hay they throw out of their cage, I'm sure my vacuum cleaner hates me...
Picking up the ditched hay and shavings is more of a pain. At least the poos vacuum and sweep right up. The shavings cling to everything and the hay clogs the cleaner.

My fix: I'm changing to liners soon and someone told me to clip the hay into managable sizes and that should alleviate the problems. We'll see.
I feel like a total slob admitting this, but I usually just vacuum once or twice a week - hey if the poop's gonna pile up anyway might as well make it count haha! I do wonder if my friend (who visits a lot) is offended by chin poop city, but I figure it's along the same lines as cat/dog hair everywhere.

Oh i have that too, dog and cat hair everywhere. I'll get dressed, brush my self off of the fur and then get in the car and be loaded again.. :hair: The sacrafices we put up with because we love our animals so much. lol

The poop doesn't really bother me anymore. I don't think twice about it. Some people who visit are really grossed out by it though, so I try to clean it up before we have company. I agree with others who have said hay and shavings are the bigger issue! I cannot tell you how many times I've clogged the vacuum with that stuff. We have a central vacuum, so getting the clog out of that long tube is not fun! The only time the poops ever bothered me was when one of my girls had Giardia. That was a huge smelly mess! Luckily we solved the problem very quickly.
It does get old, I'll admit- we usually just try to pick up what we can see after our little Hero has gone back in his cage for the night, and then vacuum pretty regularly.

We'll be moving to a new place in a few months, and my goal then is to find somewhere with hardwood floors...and get a Roomba to do all the work!! XD