Chin poop

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Tired of picking up chin poop

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • Doesn't bother me

    Votes: 57 57.0%
  • Someone else does it

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
I don't mind cleaning the chin poop. It cleans up easily enough with the vacuum cleaner. It's the bedding and hay that drives me nuts because it clogs up my vacuum and I haven't found an easy way to clean it up.
I'm tired of it, but it doesn't stop me from dealing with it every day. My chins are in an area I walk through every day (dining room). It has linoleum floors, and I keep a broom next to the cage. When I hobble downstairs in the morning for whatever reason (juice, coffee, etc) I push it all back under their cage with the broom (since they party at night) Then later in the day I spend maybe 2-3 minutes using the Shop Vac.

The chins are about to move into our second bedroom- which is their playroom anyway, so I won't have to see it directly every day. I will however have carpet in there (blech) but at least no more early morning chin poops on my feet.
I am tired of cleaning it up, but I agree- a packaged deal. Binx's cuteness makes up for the loads of poop! :) I'm just not bothered by it anymore. Of course I clean before company because some people find it extremely gross to have poo on your floor. I clean about 3 times a week.
Chin poo is such a HUGE part of my daily clean-up that I don't even notice it anymore LOL. My Dad was over to visit a couple of weeks ago and I was holding Cheeko so he could pet him...I put Cheeko back in the cage and realized he had drop a few "things" down my shirt...I reached in, grabbed the poo from my bra and tossed it on the floor where all the other poo was :rofl: My dad just looked at me like I was totally nuts...hell, maybe I am!
i have only had chins for 6 months and I am already scheming new ways to control the poop. my boyfriend calls them 'poop machines'. he watches me sweeping and vacuuming around their cage about 3 times a day. i also vacuum their shelves daily, they actually enjoy the curiousity of the vacuum. then again i am somewhat compulsive about it......
so many poops!!!!!!
Doesn't really bother me, it can only come out one side of the cage and makes for easy vacuuming.
Poop is poop. I've been vacuuming dog fur daily for years. Chin poop is just one more thing to clean. I do agree with hay and bedding being a pain. We tried fleece liners and killed them very fast.
I have no problem vacuuming up poop on a two day basis when I replace my fleece liners but I tend to get annoyed with the hay sticking to the fleece but other than that I don't mind.

If you think about it, I give Phoenix and Sedona fresh "sheets" more than I do for myself and Dustin but I think they appreciate it and I like doing it. When Dustin does then I will wash them more. :thumbsup:
My mom is the one who vacuums so she's the one that picks up the poop/hay. She hates cleaning up the hay way more. It clogs her vacuum.
I love my furry kids and if it means cleaning up poo all the time.... So be it....they make make me happy!
the thing that bothers me most is finding the poo in very unusual places. I have found it in my shoes, my purse and my pockets. how the heck did it get there??
Or stuck in your hair when you go out to dinner? Or in your wallet at the bank...or at the bottom of every single purse? LOL I've given up...I can live with the poops, although, it does mean that I have to vacuum at least a couple times a day. :D
Or stuck in your hair when you go out to dinner? Or in your wallet at the bank...or at the bottom of every single purse? LOL I've given up...I can live with the poops, although, it does mean that I have to vacuum at least a couple times a day. :D

I know but I only have 4!!! :hmm: I think the cat is helping them unlock their cages at night while we sleep. Then they go and hide the poopies like little easter eggs:laughitup::rofl: its a conspiracy I tell ya!!:hilarious:
I voted 'someone else does it' because one of my dogs RUNS to the chin cages first thing in the morning to hoover up the night's flingings ;) I only have to clean up the poop in the cages...there's never any on the floors!