chin playtime

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Gizmo's roommate
Jun 3, 2009
this is just a random procrastination post to distract me from doing my chemistry homework. at the moment im researching chemistry and hair products but playing with gizmo is so much more fun. i love how he runs around and chews the edges of my papers. i love seeing his signature on things!

so how does everyone else interact with their chinkids during playtime? gizmo and i do chemistry homework. we have such a good "bond" together. haha. :bump1:
I let them out then sit on my bed or the floor and let them jump and climb on me and around the room. If I'm bored I always have my laptop handy, or I record videos of them! :]
I sit in the playpen with Tinkerbell and get her all rowdied up. She gets her scritches and jumps all over me and under my legs. She gets my full attention when I'm in there. Some days I can give her a lot of my time, other days, just a few minutes.
I either read in bed and let them hop up to visit or lay on the floor and act as a human jungle gym :)).