chin hut?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
Is the super pet chin hut ok? He ate all of his edible ones and I ordered one online but it may take a month to get here. He just sits on his wheel staring so I got it so he could have some privacy. I might try to make one but is this ok to use in the mean time?
He ate all of his edible ones? What do you mean edible ones? If you can, find a picture so that we can give you more specific advice. There are lots of different Super Pet huts, and lots of "edible" huts...

Also, what kind of wheel does he have?
he has a bad wheel,it is plastic.I bought it on the advice of a pet store. I ordered a chin spin and it is on its way but I have already taken so many things from him so I feel bad taking it away without giving him a replacement. It doesnt have the spokes so his feet wont get stuck and i have been watching him to make sure he doesnt chew it.
I've never used this hut, but the ingredients show that is okay for chins. Watch the edges where it's held together, it good contains nails and not wood nails and your chin could break a tooth if they tried to chew on a metal nail. Otherwise it is kiln dried pine which is good for chins. A wooden house is always the best for them.

Fory mommyslittlechin a Chin Spin is one of the preferred wheels for chinchillas. It's made by Quality Cage.
A lot of people have this hut, I do as well. It has no nails, it fits together from the way it's made. I think there was someone recently who had an injured chin from their foot being caught in one of the sides that slid out. You can glue the pieces together with Elmers or other non toxic glue.