Chin cut his foot.

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Like tunes said, you should not use H2O2, nor should you use neosporin as the chin can lick it off and ingest it.

Blu-Kote is awesome, I would definitely put it on the toe if you can find some. You can order it online if you can't find it in a feed or farm store near you.

Also, make sure the chin is not chewing on his toe. In my experience, chins can tend to chew on injured toes, making them worse.

Ya I know. It started bleeding during playtime the other day because he was chewing on it. So I had to put him away early. Can I get the Blu-Kote stuff at farm and fleet? I live in Aurora, IL. I just moved here like 4 months ago, and its very much not a farm town so the closest farm and fleet is like 20 minutes away too.
I guess it should be mentioned also, aside from the anti-fungal/anti-septic qualities of blue kote.. It also smells/tastes horrible to the chins (humans too ;) ). So it definitely helps stop them chewing at wounds as well.
I guess it should be mentioned also, aside from the anti-fungal/anti-septic qualities of blue kote.. It also smells/tastes horrible to the chins (humans too ;) ). So it definitely helps stop them chewing at wounds as well.

Funny you say that because I was just going to post that I think it's getting worse. He picks/chews it off within an hour after I put it on. Last night when I checked it after work it seemed like it was infected. it was kina white on top and puffy/swollen. I put more blue kote on this morning around 10 and by 12 it was gone. Should I take him to the vet?
If you see infection, Blu-Kote cannot treat that. You need antibiotics. He is most likely chewing at the toe because it's itchy and causing him pain. He may even try to chew it off. Don't panic - chins lose toes all the time and it doesn't bother them all that much once they are gone, but infection is a different matter and needs to be looked at and treated.
So it's ok if he loses his toe, but if its from an infection, thn that's not ok? How else could he lose a toe and be ok? I guess the wording on that seemed funny to me. haha. But the infection part makes sense. I called the vet and it's 50+ bucks just to have him looked at but I think it is infected and if the blu kote doesn't help with that then I'll have to take him in.
My wording was fine, you just may not have understood my point. Chinchillas get their toes bitten off by cagemates or next door neighbors all the time. It's usually a clean quick bite, no infection involved. A lot of times they don't even bleed. People panic when a chin loses a toe and it just isn't a big deal.

Your chins toe has an abrasion which may be getting infected. That's a totally different thing that needs veterinary care, as I am sure you don't have chin safe antibiotics sitting around the house to treat it with.
No don't have them. The blu-kote I got for him actually says on the label that it's used for infections and wounds and all that but I made an appointment with the vet tomorrow because, like i said, he keeps chewing this stuff off.
Vet says Izzy is chewing at his foot because it's hurting him (which we already knew) and its possibly infected (Again, we already knew). He also said it could be broken as well but too swollen to tell. I dont think it is at all with all the jumping and playing and scratching he still does with the food. The vet wasn't the greatest and he was kinda rude, but I heard he was good so that's why I went there. So he gave me meds for pain, inflammation, and infection and charged me an arm and a leg!
They scratch at little wounds like that. It's probably not infected. I've actually never seen a toe get infected from a wound like that. The wounds do get swollen and the chins will pick at them. Generally it heals up a little bit at a time over a week or two. I doubt that it is really broken, but if it is - there really is nothing that the vet can do to fix it.

What antibiotic did he put the chin on and how long are you going to have to give it? I'm not sure that the toe hurt enough to dictate that pain medication should be administered.
Izzy picked at it enought that it was still completely raw skin and it was red and white and it was still bleeding like everyday for the past week and a half.

He gave me metacam and healx soother cream.
That's how it often looks, toes take awhile to heal up. It will probably continue to look the same for quite awhile. No matter what the vet gives you, the chin still has to heal up on its own...the medication will not speed that up. I would let him roll in the dust to help form a scab, that can deter chewing a bit.

What's the antibiotic used? Metacam is a pain medication. I hope that the medication doesn't cause this chin to stop eating.
Ya the metacam is the pain and inflammatory, so the healx soother must be for the infection i guess. I let him roll every day in the dust and it helps the toe for a bit till he picks the starting scab off a few hours later.