Like tunes said, you should not use H2O2, nor should you use neosporin as the chin can lick it off and ingest it.
Blu-Kote is awesome, I would definitely put it on the toe if you can find some. You can order it online if you can't find it in a feed or farm store near you.
Also, make sure the chin is not chewing on his toe. In my experience, chins can tend to chew on injured toes, making them worse.
Ya I know. It started bleeding during playtime the other day because he was chewing on it. So I had to put him away early. Can I get the Blu-Kote stuff at farm and fleet? I live in Aurora, IL. I just moved here like 4 months ago, and its very much not a farm town so the closest farm and fleet is like 20 minutes away too.