Chin boys or girls?

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chin smitten
Mar 2, 2009
So, I am just curious to know what people's experience is with one sex versus the other. I ask because for some reason, my girls absolutely love me and my boys barely tolerate me. I have talked to another person who has had the opposite experience, so I'm wondering if there is a trend by any chance. I also wonder if it stems from my first pair. My first pair's female is the best, most gentle girl ever. She is so sweet and LOVES to see me when ever I go in the room. Her male partner on the other hand tolerates a short pet and will take a treat on good days. On bad days, he hides where ever he can to get away from me. Maybe all of my subsequent chins take their cues from my veterans of their gender??

Any thoughts, opinions, experiences?:hmm:
For me I've had a total of one female and three males for different periods of times but I think that one female (which i've had for about 2 months) likes me the most while the other males are just lazying around and come to see me for a treat or a pat on the head.
I have never had a female, so I cannot compare, but I can tell you about my males. I have six. Their personalities are all different. I have some that love to snuggle, and some that just want to use me as a jungle gym while they explore everywhere. :)
i also have never had a female so i wouldnt know.

gizmo has different moods where he's more affectionate, then some days hes grumpy. i think it just depends on personality and how long/much theyve been handled.

i have a friend who has a female chin, and they interact so much. she gives kisses when she hears a certain noise. me on the other hand, i cant even get gizmo to know his own name (but he responds to "oats" lol). so i def think if just depends on the chin.
I have 2 girls and one boy, and they all have different personalities. My standard girl Herby is a lovey dovey, ooshy gooshy chin whom I can pick up and love on. She loves to give kisses and hops onto your shoulder or chest and just snuggle with you in general. My beige girl, Zoe is a BRAT! She will let you give her treats and food, but at a cost to your fingers and hands. She MIGHT let you give her nose a scritch, but once again at a cost to your finger afterward. My standard boy, Ansem is a mixture of both. He loves on me when I am giving scritches and food but will not let you pick you up and love on him yet, and will bite you if you try. He does, however, come to the cage door, where I can give him kisses through the bars. And he will let me put the dust house near him so he can hop in for play time. But it is all on HIS terms, not mine.

No chin is the same and they are as unique as the colors they come in!
I don't think gender has anything to do with friendliness. I have had chins for over 16 years and I have had both sexes be absolutely loves. Right now my 4 favorites (because they are such loves) are 2 males and 2 females.
I don't have females but I have males who love me and love to be carried around, and some that don't want much to do with me. Most of them do enjoy attention from me, though. It depends on the personality of the chin.
I have to also say - I have never had female chins. My husband did when we dated 14yrs ago - and I remember them being nasty and always spraying....(we're now separated - so maybe he DID deserve it)...

Seriously though - my 4 boys all have different personalities, but I still love them all....
I don't have a female, but usually I have bad luck with female pets, as in they all hate me. I always get boys now. My boy chinchilla, when he's in a good mood (which is most of the time), likes to "groom" me and give whisker kisses. But he likes to bite my bf HARD. Guess he's just a mama's boy.
I've also only had experiences with one female who I no longer have. She was a sweetheart but didn't really like to be pet. I have four males at home now though. One is the biggest love and likes to be carried and pet, one likes to be pet and loves kisses, one likes to come see me and likes pets once in a while and one who hates being touched at all, but does like coming to say hello. It all depends on the personality, i only have four boys here and they're all very different.