How do you make enough room for all the cages, and what kind of cages do you use?
I only have 20 chins. The chins have their own bedroom right now. Eventually they'll be moved out to the garage after we finish insulating and add a window for light and AC. I use melamine cages.
How to give enough time for each chin a day, and how to do make time to feed them and give them fresh water.
I check water bottles twice a day and feed once at night. Takes about 5-10 minutes. I peek in at everyone at the same time.
How do you keep the cages clean (Lord knows a chin can pee)?
I clean once a week. This involves removing dirty shavings, wiping everything inside the cage down, and then vaccuming the room when I'm done. If I don't play too much, it usually takes 2-2 1/2 hours. I let a few cages out to play while I'm cleaning.
How do you afford it all, because it is DANG expensive just having 2 chins. EX: How much for food, dust, hay, toys, accesories, wheels, wood, etc.
Buying in bulk, it really doesn't cost a ton, though prices have gone up quite a bit. I could cut costs, but I like to spoil them.
Bale of pine shavings every 3 weeks = $9
50 lbs of food every 2 months = $22 (current price right now, though Ronda hooked me up with some at $15 a bag)
Hay and/or hay cubes = $40 every 4 months
Toys/chews = ~$60 every 6 months. I usually buy toy parts twice a year. I also have a couple apple trees that I trim for them.
Dust 50lbs a year= $35
Hammocks - I make my own at about $3-4 a hammock if I find a good fleece sale
Cage maintenance varies.
I make my own chin houses.
No wheels here. Too expensive and not a necessity.