"Chili Wheel 1" proto type (Exercise Wheel) sneak peak.

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Got one wheel-lover that would love to test your new wheel. I'll pay the postage for the privilege of being a tester. I currently have a chin spin that Chipper gets up to some rediculous speed and then jumps out of it and watches it spin. I travel once or twice a year and need a wheel that's not so heavy to travel with that is also quiet. Your design looks like it will do the trick.

If you don't pick me to test, I'll be watching for word of you offering them for sale. :)
I have a chin spin the largest one. Its part wood part metal. and they run in it so hard it warps.. it all now wiggles in ways it shouldn't when they run.. does your wheel prevent that? lol
My wheel using the Fat Dadio cake pan failed after a couple of months in the play pens, the bottom of the pan is thin aluminum and it cracked where the bearing assy was mounted.
My wheel using the Fat Dadio cake pan failed after a couple of months in the play pens, the bottom of the pan is thin aluminum and it cracked where the bearing assy was mounted.

How much support did it have around the center where the bearing was? I tried to compensate for this and any material (pan) thinness around the center by having my shaft be several inches in diamete behind the wheel itself.

The area circled in red in this pic is were my stainless shaft is behind the wheel. (Give or take) ;) This supports the center of the wheel.

My thoughts are that if this is gonna fail like that, it will crack somewhere OUTSIDE the red circle. That would take a LOT of stress IMO. The centrifugal force of the wheel rotating would also limit that, although the stress would be transfered to the bend were wheel bottom ends and the chin running surface starts.
I would be willing to buy one in a few months when you see how they do for sure! I have been putting off getting a chin spin because Im worried to spend all of the money and then he wont like it or use it. Ill be on the look-out!
I've got a cage of four girls who run constantly on their saucer if you need a side by side comparison we have more than enough room for both. It would be interesting to see how much they enjoy that design over a saucer ... :)
I just found this thread (been off the forums for...oh, a looooong time). I'm so excited to see that someone is experimenting with making chinny wheels! Any new updates? How is it holding up in the field?