My male rescue, Moshi, is driving me insane. He chews and destroys everything in his cage. His brand new hanging toys that came yesterday lasted 24 hours! His toss toy was laying in several pieces sprawled across his cage. He waste so many chew sticks, he is going to make me broke
He only chews about 1/4 of them before tossing them aside. I can't give them to my other chins because he is in quarantine.
I was wondering is anyone could suggest twig/chew stick types most chins seem to like? I'm not sure what type of chew sticks I have now, I forgot what I ordered. I'm going to have to make a special order so he has his own stash. I've never seen such a fussy chin! My other boys chew any stick I give them.
I was wondering is anyone could suggest twig/chew stick types most chins seem to like? I'm not sure what type of chew sticks I have now, I forgot what I ordered. I'm going to have to make a special order so he has his own stash. I've never seen such a fussy chin! My other boys chew any stick I give them.