Summer Hale
My tov white ebony out furball lines was due any day. I came home about 12:20 on the 6th and noticed Charlotte was in labor and pushing, I watched nothing happened for about an hour I just thought that maybe she was just at the start of labor. So when nothing was changing by 2:30 we were on our way to the vets! I knew she was in trouble if that kit did come soon. Of course when you walk in you get what ever vet you get, Well I got one who thought that chins were PG for 45 days!! Of course I corrected her, and then she tried tell the baby might not be full term. Then I corrected her again by tell I had felt the kit move a few weeks ago. So by this I think I b** hurt her and she went get the best vet ever! lol Dr. Mc Graw came in and you know Summer this not good. I said I know. We both agreed the best thing to was to do a c-section! So took Charlotte to back and I went to wait like a worried mommy! Less than two hours later the Dr. came out with Charlotte in her carrier and the kit had died a few weeks ago and mommy was doing really good. She give her S/Q fluid and a shot of Enrofloxacin during the surgery. She also sent her with Enrofloxacin 0.2 ml a day for 7 days. I have her on CC, LL, Dyne and Probactics. She is pooping more and more everyday Yeah! She very active but still sore. If I had not come home right or had a vet that did not know about I could have lost my baby, so always know your vet and your chins. Here is a pic of her before we went to vets. Oh and the best thing the vet bill was only $220!