Change of location for wa show

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Sammamish, WA
Hi, all,
It seems this upcoming show is going to be quite large and so we're changing the location to allow for a longer show. It will be at the Holiday Inn in Issaquah which is right across the street from the Pickering Barn. Doors open at 7:00 and we have until 6:00 p.m. to finish the judging & awards. Please pass the word.

Love those 'chillas,

I still haven't moved so have the room and can host the show here - no rental fee.

Off topic

Where are you moving to? Another town? You will still raise chins I hope!

I figure I'll be staying in the Hermiston area but maybe not. Since I lost my night job finances have been very tight and I'm trying to sell the music store and find a place to move so I don't have to pay rent here any more. I'm hoping for a place large enough for the chins and maybe somewhere I can host a show as well.

Apparently they have changed their animal policy and don't allow the animals in the guest suites. BUT if ten or more from our group reserve rooms they will give a discount and the judge is already staying there. Sorry about the mix up on being pet friendly. The other hotels do allow pets though. I saw the room today and it'll be great!

Here we go . . .
Okay, this is the most awesome offer I've ever heard of and I'm so thankful. Okay, so Holiday Inn won't allow the chins in the guest rooms but they have graciously offered to allow the chins to stay in the banquet room for the evening after the show (for free). So if you want a discounted room, reserve it and say you are with the MCBA Chinchilla show and if we have ten or more there will be a discount. This also means that we need to really clean it up after the show and be good stewards to our benefactors!

See you in September!!
Awesome!...what about the evening before the show? We'll book Holiday Inn for Saturday night for sure, then but need a chin friendly place for Friday night.
Yes, you'll have to stay at a different hotel for Friday night. Sorry it's not perfect, but to keep the chins in there Friday would cost the chapter double what we're paying for that room for just Saturday. Plus, we need to set up Saturday morning and animals in there from the night before would be in the way. I think Holiday Inn is being really great about it letting us keep them in there overnight and not charging us anything extra. So it is . . . what it is!!

See you all soon,
Since I have never been to a Chin show, but I have been to a rat show & I show my English Cocker, what usually goes on?
Other people need to answer you better, but I wanted to say that everyone is so nice and very helpful to newbies. Not like many horse and car show people I have met
In the morning everyone will be grooming animals and filling out paperwork. This is a good time to walk around, look at animals (don't touch), or even jump in and help groom. After/during that is classification where the animals are divided into classes based on age, sex and color phase. Then there's judging where each class is brought up to the show table where there are special lights. The judge carefully examines each chinchilla and places them in order of what they feel is best. Then generally the judge will go through and say what placing he's giving each animal and why. Some judges give more comments than others. If there's a lot of animals, time may be an issue. This is what most of the show consists of. In the end, the top animals are brought back up to compete for section champions, then grand and reserve male and female, then grand show champ.

The best way to get a good understanding is to just go to the show. If you have questions, ask. Chin folks are generally pretty nice and helpful. If you do go, don't wear red or orange if you want to sit towards the front. They can reflect onto the chins fur and you may be asked to move or put on a jacket. Its best to stick to whites, blues, or blacks.
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Well in short, after the chins are classified (put in their age class and color phase group) The chins are brought to the table before the judge, again based on age, sex and color phase. The judges looks them over in their cages. Then tells everyone his decision. 1A, 1B 1st 2nd 3rd etc. Then the next group is brought in and so on. Until all groups are judged. Finally the best female and best male are chosen. And the finally the Grand Champion. It's alot of fun and very exciting.
Since I have never been to a Chin show, but I have been to a rat show & I show my English Cocker, what usually goes on?

It's hard to describe chin shows because they are unlike any other animal show due to the large quantity of chinchillas. Here's some photos from previous shows of setup/grooming/show. :))
so for someone like me that isn't showing, what is a good time to show up or is there something I could do to help out?
Lots! As early as possible, there are tables and the lighting structure that needs to be set up, a hundred or more show cages to be set up, tables numbered and moved....

I'm sure they would greatly appreciate anything you could do!