Ceramic heater okay to use?

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Some people will say yes, some would say no. I don't think he died from a broken heart because that was over 4 months ago and he knew you loved him, and he loved you. Sick chins can just be kinda fragile. I am so sorry, you don't have any chins now do you? Give yourself some time and look forward in the future to some chinnies that you will adopt and love.
Respiratory infections are very fierce in chins. In most cases by the time you discover them they are very well into their illness. Do I think living beings can die from a broken heart--yes I do, but you loved your chin and I'm sure he felt very loved by you. I've had chins who have lost their babies and they are okay--I have a chin who lost a cage mate before he came to live with me and he is fine as a single chin. Despite how hard your little guy fought, his illness took over his body and he could fight no longer. I'm so sorry to hear of his loss, but I know you will be together again, someday, over the rainbow bridge.
Some people will say yes, some would say no. I don't think he died from a broken heart because that was over 4 months ago and he knew you loved him, and he loved you. Sick chins can just be kinda fragile. I am so sorry, you don't have any chins now do you? Give yourself some time and look forward in the future to some chinnies that you will adopt and love.
Nope. I just had the two. My girl died suddenly and mysteriously in July. It was such a shock. My kitty also died in April. He had cancer and we decided to have him put down because it was spreading and we (my husband and I) didn't want him to suffer anymore. So it was really hard seeing my boy chin get sick like this. I thought he was doing better for awhile there. His eyes were clearing up and he was jumping around in the cage begging for treats when I came into the room. Since he was still eating, the vet just said to monitor him. He was pooing too. Pooed right on my husband when we were flushing his eye out the other night. And then all of the sudden he was unresponsive when I came home last night. I have experienced other rodents (hamsters etc) dying before, so I knew the end was near. So I just stayed with him until he was gone, which actually wasn't very long. Maybe he was waiting for me. Well, at least he will be with her now. He seemed to miss her so much right after she was gone.
Anyway, my husband wants to hold off on any more pets for awhile.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I really hope he knew that he was loved. Sometimes it's hard to tell. Especially when they are sick and they have no clue why you're doing stuff to them.