Ceramic heater okay to use?

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My little boy is sick. He hasn't been the same since his little penis mishap and we took him to that emergency vet. He has had oozing eyes, a runny nose, and he's been drooling a little bit. Also, he seems a little disoriented like maybe he has fluid in his ears. I took him to his regular vet and they gave me some antibiotics that I have to feed to him with a syringe. Anyway, I want to try to help him stay warm but it is really difficult with his big, wide open cage. We have a ceramic heater that was used for our lizard. I plugged it in to see how warm it actually gets. Do you think it would be alright to have it aimed at one side of the cage? It would be on the outside, of course, so that he wouldn't be able to reach the cord or the hot ceramic thing.
Hmm, I am not an expert on sick chins at all, but it's late and unless someone else who has a lot of chin experience says yes. I would say no, better not. I have read "sick chin threads and advice" on forums for 1-1/2 years and never heard anyone suggest it. And if you are wrong the chin will probably die.

ETA, I see that has been 2 weeks since his mishap. He sounds pretty sick, maybe an URI. I think you had maybe get him to a vet tonight.
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I just checked it with a thermometer. It's reading at about 66 degrees. Using a ceramic heater to heat up a spot in his cage could cause him to die?
And I just took him to the vet yesterday. They gave me some antibiotics to give him.
What did he get antibiotics for? An URI may need a different medicine and/or dosage than a penile infection. I would absolutely not use a space heater anywhere near him. 66 is a fine tempature. Does he have a fleece house or another chin to cuddle with? Where is he sitting or sleeping right now?
No, he never had a penile infection. Everything went back to normal down there after they put him back together. We never got antibiotics from that particular vet visit. I was simply trying to say that he starting coming down with this not long after he had that incident. It worries me, like he caught something from being at that emergency vet office. The antibiotics came from the vet visit that he had yesterday. The vet said it was probably an respiratory infection of some sort and he said to give him the antibiotics over the holiday weekend and to call if he didn't show any improvement by then. As for his sleeping situation, he has a wooden nest box. He doesn't have a cage mate anymore, so he's all alone in there. He's been sitting in his litter box since I put him back in the cage a couple of hours ago. We cleaned his one eye with some saline, as per the vet.
Oh, and the 66 degrees is the temperature with the heater on.
I have used a ceramic heat bulb which was placed about 6 inches from the front of the cage. I would not use it if the chin is lethargic or not actively able to move away from the heat. I have also used heat pads under one half of a carrier for kits when rotating and handfeeding. Sick chins, chins in shock, or very young chins sometimes will need a little extra warmth if it is during the winter... however, you have to be very careful not to allow them to overheat and they must be able to move away from the heat source.

What antibiotics did the vet give you for his URI?
oozing eyes and a runny nose will not be caused by a problem with his penis. I may be wrong...but I am thinking it is is a URI vets can be wrong. Injuries to the penis should not causing oozing eyes, sinus infections can though.
I have used a ceramic heat bulb which was placed about 6 inches from the front of the cage. I would not use it if the chin is lethargic or not actively able to move away from the heat. I have also used heat pads under one half of a carrier for kits when rotating and handfeeding. Sick chins, chins in shock, or very young chins sometimes will need a little extra warmth if it is during the winter... however, you have to be very careful not to allow them to overheat and they must be able to move away from the heat source.

What antibiotics did the vet give you for his URI?
The last reading I took right in front of the heat source was 68 degrees. And yes, it is a ceramic bulb that goes into a lamp fixture. Like I said, it was for our lizard. He is lethargic, but he came to me when I called him so I'm pretty sure he would move away if he was too hot.
The package says Baytril on it.
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oozing eyes and a runny nose will not be caused by a problem with his penis. I may be wrong...but I am thinking it is is a URI vets can be wrong. Injuries to the penis should not causing oozing eyes, sinus infections can though.
I didn't say that it did. The vet said it was some sort of respiratory infection. The symptoms, however, did start coming on after the vet visit for the stuck penis (which the vet said they couldn't see anything wrong with it other than it was stuck). The symptoms didn't come on all at once though. We were told to give him extra dust baths to help clean him up. After a few baths, his eyes starting weeping. He has had problems with dust irritating his eyes in the past, so I didn't think it was a huge deal... we just needed to put some drops in his eyes. The other symptoms followed, so I took him to the vet because it was obvious something was wrong. However, he didn't start acting like he was dizzy until yesterday. It's like he has fluid in his ears or something.
I checked on him this morning. I'm worried that he's going to fall, so I moved his food dish down to the bottom level of the cage. He has lost some weight, which the vet noted. I don't know what else I can do for him though. The vet said to give him the antibiotics and to keep him warm. Is there anything else I could do to help him?
Baytril is notorious for putting chins off of their feed. Unfortunately, it's usually what is needed when dealing with URI/pneumonia type illnesses. You should contact your vet and see if they have Critical care. If they do, go ahead and get a bag, then you can order it from Menagerie on here and she can get it to you within a few days. He sounds like a very sick little guy and he will need all the help he can get.

Was he congested as well as runny nose and eyes? If he's having trouble breathing, steam up your bathroom with a hot shower, turn the shower off, and take him in there for just a short time. It can help to open up the nasal passages and the lungs.

If you had an under the cage heater, as Sumiko mentioned, then that would not be a bad thing to put under half his cage. I would hesitate to use an over the tank type heater, because I know with my beardie, even though it should be concentrated in one spot, it tends to heat up the entire cage. He needs to be able to get away from that heat. I've noticed when a chin gets sick that they don't always seem to regulate their body temperature as they should, so a little extra heat on the lowest setting wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
I have an under the cage heating pad that was for our lizard. But I don't think it would do much good since the cage has a drop pan on the bottom level.
He lost the weight before being on the Baytril. The two weights were from the previous vet visit and this vet visit. What is this Critical care? I don't know what that is. Since it's a holiday, the vet's office will be closed. Will I be able to wait until tomorrow? I'm not sure if I trust that emergency vet clinic.
Critical Care is a food replacement made by Oxbow for ailing or underweight herbivores. Sometimes chins are happy to eat it off of a spoon or out of a bowl, and other times you need a syringe to feed it. Make sure you get a syringe that has a catheter or large tip on it so the CC can squeeze through.

You don't need to trust the E-vet for it. It's pre-packaged and sealed, so nothing he/she needs to even touch. If you can't get it there, maybe call around and try and find a package locally.

If you absolutely can't, then you can try and grind up your own pellets into a fine powder. You can add some canned pure pumpkin and/or some black strap molasses, as well as some water to get it to a consistency that you can feed. Right now, he may be so ill that even chewing is more activity than he can deal with. That's where the syringe comes in handy. It takes some practice to hand feed, but once you have it down it's not so bad.

If you do need to hand feed, most chins fight it tooth and nail, even if they like the stuff. In that case, you would need to wrap up your chin in a thin towel, making sure that all four feet are covered, so they can't kick out and knock the syringe away or struggle. I lay a towel across my chest (I use a really thin towel, like a shop rag), then put the chin on the towel, closer to one side. I quickly wrap the short side around to trap the legs, then wrap the rest of the towel around to secure it. I then hold the chin's head between my thumb and second finger, with my first finger on the top of their head, while holding their body between my forearm and the side of my body. It gives me a lot better control and they don't struggle and get upset. Then you just put the syringe in behind their front teeth, into the gap that's there, and squirt in a little bit of CC. The first few times I've ever had to use it, the chins act like it's poison. You need to persist, especially if he's losing weight already or hasn't regained weight from a previous illness. Depending on his current weight, bare minimum for a daily feeding amount would be 50 mL. When I hand feed, I generally do at least 100 mL per day, broken into 2 feedings, morning and night.
I'm also wondering if he may be a bit dehydrated. If he is, he would need subcutaneous fluids at the vet. Dehydration will cause lethargy, lack of appetite, etc.

Did they anesthetize him at any point? He could have aspirated some saliva which may have caused the URI.
No, he wasn't anesthetized. They just held him down.
I found him eating his food earlier today. I had moved it down to his nest box and he found it there. Like I said before, I was afraid he was going to fall so I moved the food dish down to a lower spot in the cage. He just took a shredded wheat from me, he likes those. He has been drinking.
I wasn't saying I don't trust the emergency vet when it came to getting some of that Critical Care stuff. I just don't trust their opinion on things. They seemed to shrug things off as nothing when I took him there for his penis incident. His regular vet has more experience with chinchillas, so when it was obvious he was sick I waited until they were open next day to take him to there.
Since I've been giving him the baytril, his eyes have started to clear up. It's just a clear watery discharge now instead of the thick white. He felt pretty cold when I checked on him just now, so I turned the ceramic bulb back on. He drooled on me quite a bit though when I was holding him just now. Will they drool is they have an infection? I guess that would make sense if their eyes/sinuses are draining.
Well, it seems as though he wants that heat bulb turned on. Every time I check on him, he's sitting in front of it. But when I get over to his cage, he has no problem getting up and coming over to me. I'm not worried about him overheating anymore, there's simply no way that little bulb could heat up such a large area.
I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or not. I just wanted to let everyone know that my baby is gone. I knew things weren't good when I checked on him after getting home from class today. He was unresponsive when I called him. The vet said that there wasn't anything else that they could do for him, so I sat next to the cage and I petted him until he passed away. Poor little thing, I keep wondering if maybe this was because he lost his mate back in July. The strange thing is that he was still eating up until last night. Maybe the stress made him vulnerable to infection, I just don't know. Well, thank you everyone for your concerns.
Do you think it's possible for chinchillas to die of a broken heart? He was never alone until this last July, maybe he just gave up.