Parents had Cingular, whicch became ATT for 10 years, I've been for 6. Great service and signal. Never had a problem. I've had best luck with Samsung phones. Had on lasted both parents and me 12 years almost combined, another my son chewed on, dropped, threw at windshield, cracked windshield, phone not a scratch. My current one same, dropped, played with, still perfect. Get signal everywhere, even in the middle of nowhere central Florida. Bf has T-Mobile. They have a problem with a tower near his house, as soon as he gets 2 blocks from home his phone drops any call, has full bars, but says service unavailable. He called them, they said upgrade service, pay $10 a month more and maybe get better service, or wait for it to get fixed. They're working on it. But when asked, don't know when it would be fixed.