Carrots . . . What is too much?

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Sookie's Mom

My chin isn't really interested in eating alot of the things I give her. I just got her from someone that had her on a food that looks like oats/dried corn and other stuff coated in something? Looks like horse food to me lol. They may have gotten some blend from a pet store, I'm not sure. I am switching her to chin pellets to get her off of them because I heard that kind of food really isn't great. I got her some timothy hay chuncks to chew, she could almost take em or leave em. What she really really loves is carrotts. I had a bag of baby carrots so I cut one in half and gave her a few small chucks of it. How much carrot can she have in one day? Can i give her the whole baby carrott? Can I only give her the size of sugar cube? I love to give her things she will like but I need to know how much is too much.

No fruits, no veggies. Whether she likes them or not, they aren't good for her. Do a cold switch from the oats/dried corn (gads) onto good quality pellets (not pet store junk) and provide lots of good quality timothy hay for the transition.

You're going to need to get over the compulsion to give her things. All new owners feel like that, but it isn't good for the chin. My mentor told me once that more chins die from being killed with kindness than than from illness or injury. Good quality pellets, good quality hay, fresh water. That is all she needs. If you want to give her treats stick with healthy treats, nonsugared bite sized shredded wheats, dried rosehips, organic rosebuds, the occasional cheerio, a pinch of old fashioned oats, an approved supplement, and lots of chin safe wood chews.

Welcome to CnH. :)
Thanks! I don't really "want" to give her things, well I want to - but not bad things. I did the cold switch and got her lots of things today. I got her several chew sticks and a chew brick for her teeth. I also got her a kiln dried pine house - her previous owner had her in a plastic igloo. She doesn't seem to like it lol. I got her a chin bath house and hung it in her cage - she seems to prefer it and is in it everytime I go in. I also hung a hammock for her - she hasn't showed interest in it yet.

I got her a spin wheel but can't figure out how to get it together. It seems there should have been a dowl for it to put it on the stand and it wasn't in it - so she can't play on it yet.

I want to build her a great big cage - any ideas?

Thanks again.
As for the dust bath, it should not be in her cage 24/7 if there's dust in it. They should only get dust baths 2-3 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes. Too much dusting can dry out their skin.;)
If you could a wheel from a pet store, changes are it's junk and you might want to return it and look into buying a wheel online. The Flying Saucer, Chin Spin, or something similar.
First of all, congrats on your new chinnie. We don't mean to sound like everything you're doing is wrong, we just want to help get you on the right track.

PM me your mailing address and I'll send you a small pack of sticks to try. She'll love them just like a carrot, only they're good for her!
Don't worry if she doesn't show any interest to her new furniture at first. I bought my chin shelves, a hammock, a tube, and a house all at the same time and she didn't show any interest at all. I think it was all just too overwhelming for her. I took them all out and put in one at a time, waiting a couple weeks before putting the new items in and that seemed to work a lot better. Nothing wrong with putting them in there all at once, but she might not use them yet.

Every chin is different.
Like Riven said, we don't mean to sound like we're all jumping on you. When I was new here, I felt really overwhelmed. I posted a few pictures and got a million replies about bad food, bad treats, bad cage, etc. Everyone here just wants the best for you and your chin. I hope you find all this information helpful :)) Joining this website was the best thing I ever did for my chin!
Thanks so much everyone. LOL she really does love that bath house :)