Can't tell behavior function!

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2015
My chin has been laying down flat like flush against the ground all cute and potentially sad? the last few days, I think more than usual and I'm getting worried. Weather is not an issue it's back to cool even though I got an a/c for that one day we've had so far recently. He seems fine otherwise. He was jumping around when I let him out to clean his cage he was climbing all kinds of stuff trying to make a break for freedom and stuff, has been eating, "grooming" his "area" lol, nothing looks injured or anything, no unusual noises, no flinching or anything when I pet him, but he's been napping more, between all that good normal stuff and looks blah whether it's tired or sad or is that all sick? BUT, the weather has been gloomy like raining all day today especially and I've noticed that blahs him out (nerd behaviorist me took casual data to prove I wasn't being a crazy obsessed mommy lol). Has anyone had theirs have a few days like this and it just be a mood? He's never seen the vet (he's 4, ish) and I don't want to take him unless I really think I'm not being a hypochondriac, but I know they can get real sick real fast and now I'm like omg what if he lays like that for a nap and that's the end of it?! Advice, experiences, please anything welcomed! Thanks as always!
A pic might help, but from what you are describing he is acting normal otherwise? Eating, drinking, pooping and peeing all normally? How is the humidity in the room? Even if the temp is down if it's humid that can make him feel uncomfortable too. Also has anything else changed? Different amounts of time spent with him, anything like that?

I have noticed too that my guys do seem less active on gloomy rainy days, especially if it's been rainy for a few days straight. I'm pretty sure chins are like humans and need sunlight (though not direct sunlight of course) for vitamin D production. If so, lack of sunlight could effect mood in chins just like in humans.
I have 2 of thermometers (only because I thought I lost the first one, not because I'm that insanely anal) in my room (where he stays) and humidity is it's normal range, call it 48 between the 2. It's 66 in my room as far as temperature. I get nervous if it gets above 72-73, so it normally stays 64-69. I only really ever pay attention to the danger zone temperature above 72. What is the ideal humidity? Thanks for pointing that out!
That's funny about the rain. I'm glad it's a thing with others. I wonder if they're similar to dogs with barometric pressure changes. Since he doesn't go outside of course ever, I always wondered how he knew what the weather was haha.
Nothing else seems different and nothing has changed, at least I can't think of anything. As of this morning, he was active at like 4 I heard, doing that rapid burrowing/digging around/rolling in his bedding-- He got a bath like 3 days ago in response to this behavior situation, not before it, so idk if maybe the fact that the weather has gone totally nuts the last couple weeks has any impact on their skin like it messes with us? I wish he'd*poop less, but that's definitely not an issue lmao. His ears were back for a little yesterday, but I attached the pictures I just took. He totally seems fine. I was out all morning and just got home and he popped right out of his sleep house and has been hanging like these pictures since, which is normal.
Thank you for all of your help to let me talk this out and stuff! I don't know if I could deal with a human child the way I freak out with Sam.


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Humidity should be below 50%, ideally around 40%. Yeah he looks fine (and cute :cute: ), the cage, no so much. You really don't want any plastic in the cage, even if he hasn't chewed it yet doesn't mean he wont decide to one day. He was probably just having some blah days though, and didn't feel like doing much.

I know chins can sometimes seem to be overwhelming, especially with all the conflicting info online, lol. I don't mind and actually enjoy giving advice when people are willing to be open minded to learn new info.
Aw thanks lol he's usually a ham for the camera. It's our second cage due to his chewing actually. I have no idea how he's still alive. I saw some metal ones, but then I heard they rust, which I guess is logical. So I figured that would be worse?
The ferret nations and critter nations are good cages, you do still need to change out or cover the plastic pans though. There are also cages by quality cage that are good to go as is, they are all metal with wood shelving. At the very least I would change out the shelving in your existing cage with wood. You are only really going to have an issue with metal cages rusting if you don't clean them or they are of cheaper quality like the Living world multilevel small animal cage or the Feisty Ferret cage (both Ferret/Critter Nation look a likes). I have had my FN cage for about 6 or 7 years now, and no rust yet. Cleaning it is not hard either, just pull the pans and wipe down the bars and stuff even so often with a water and vinegar mix with a rag.