Can I use this?

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New member
Jul 14, 2020
I found this paw butter in the shops and I was wondering if I could use it as a moisturiser for my chins feet? I can only get bag balm online, which is fine but I was just wondering if this could be another option. It has no antiseptic properties so I wouldn’t use it on bleeding feet etc but as a moisturiser...
It does have a scent but it is not too strong (sort of oatmealy scent, the chins seem to like it!)
It doesn’t specify what animal it’s for but looking online people mainly use it for dogs and horses. The main ingredient is Shea butter which I know some people use.
Just wanted to ask as I was curious, can always give it to my neighbour’s dog :)


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It looks safe enough to me.
Altho I wonder if your chin will lick it up, mine goes crazy over rolled oats!

You can also use olive oil or coconut oil to moisturize the feet.
I would say not safe, chins can't process fats very well, shea butter is a fat extracted from a nut, so not safe, coconut oil is not safe to use either it's too high in fat, it also has mango in it (chins shouldn't have fruits), vitamin F is really more a fat then a vitamin. I'm not totally sure about jojoba but doing a quick search online it looks to be a waxy oil that needs to be detoxified to be used in animal feed, so I would say no to that too. Also it says right on it "DO NOT CONSUME", meaning it's not safe to eat and with the tasty smelling ingredients the chin is very very likely to lick it off.

If you can't get bag balm a few safe options include using vitamin E liquid caplets, just poke a hole and squeeze some out. You can also use petroleum jelly (Vaseline) which is the main ingredient in bag balm. A small amount of aloe can be used, but be careful since it can be a laxative, I've used it as a last resort before I got some bag balm.

Just one last thing, just to be clear, chins are suppose to have hard callused feet, it helps protect their feet like the soles of shoes. They should be thin not thick and cracking though.
Haha I still have a lot to learn! My vet suggested olive oil/coconut oil, which I've used (Mr. B doesn't really lick it tho, so it hasn't been a problem I guess).