It is the highest quality chin feed available.
Didn't mean to offend.That's really just an opinion. There are plenty of high quality chin feeds available. It isn't the "best".
I'd just like to point out that the person is in Canada, so that Kline food would be extremely expensive. I'm guessing they were looking/hoping for something cheaper then the pet store foods. Just to calculate, a 5lb bag lasts my 2 a month, so a one month supply would cost over $60 CAD with shipping if mailed though the postal service.
I sell Kline if you are interested. It is the highest quality chin feed available. It's $2.50 lb plus shipping.
I didn't see that she was in Canada until you mentioned that. I did look up how much it would cost to ship to Canada. I could ship up to 20 lbs for a flat rate of $42.25. Not cheap but could be done.
Hello Mandebear! I personally would reccommend Oxbow Essentials, it smells better, and looks better than a lot of other pellets. You can really tell that it is fresh. It's what I feed all of my five chinchillas. They love it! You can buy it from many online retailers in 5lb, 10lb, and 25lb bags. Here are some links:
I have purchased from all of these sites with great service and great prices. The pet stores like Petsmart and Petco charge way too much for these products. Avoid buying from them if you can. Good luck in your shopping!