Can chinchillas catch a cold?

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Active member
Aug 29, 2010
This might be a stupid question but I have a cold and I have nothing to do all day and I'm wondering if it would be okay for me to play with my chin? I just didn't know if I could be contagious to her.
whenever you are sick it is better to be safe than sorry, wash your hands a lot and feed and water, that is it I would avoid playtime for a few days until you are better
From what I've heard they can, so it's best to wash your hands before feeding and watering them, and try to breathe very little on them and near them, and you should wait about two or three days after your better before handling and playing with your chin!
Yeah, I agree with the others. It's much better to wait a few days to do playtime just in case. If I am getting a cold or a sore throat, I make sure to minimize my contact with the chins. You just never know if you have something that could be passed on to the chins.