Can anyone please give me their opinions on my baby girl??

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So glad to hear that she's back to her normal self! I live in Westlake and if you don't mind driving 40 or so minutes east, there's a great exotics vet out here. His name is Dr. Krupka and he's at the Avon Lake Animal Clinic. Also the vet tech, Adrienne, is very knowledgeable. Hope that you'll never have to call, but it's always good to know.
Thanks! I appreciate it. I actually ended up calling a little small time vet because it was my only other option at the time. He's the one who told me right over the phone what was wrong and what to keep watching for and what to do for her. No charge, no nothing.
I hope I never need a vet again, but with 8 babies, I'm sure I will evenntually! I'll keep my fingers crossed for it not to be for a while though!
My chin had the same problem, she wouldn't eat, and she was very frail, lost a lot of weight, her fur started falling out and she had seizures. I freaked out and I didn't know what to do, until I was snuggling with her and was petting her, and I noticed that her mouth was very sore, I turned her over to her back and looked at her mouth, she had a chipped tooth! the reason it was giving her seizures was because she couldn't eat so her blood sugars sank super low, and then she wasn't eating because you can imagine just how much it hurt! next time if she has a problem like this, or if one of your other chins do, just check their mouth, they chip their teeth all the time from jumping around and chewing on stuff, the good thing is that it only lasts for a little while until their teeth grow.