Cage cleaning schedules?

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Cuddling Extraordinaire
Oct 20, 2009
I just wanted to compare cage cleaning schedules in this thread. I'm too lazy and forgetful to clean hotspots daily, so I just change the bedding every 2 or 3 days while Rocco is playing. It works great for me! What about you guys?
I clean Shelly's cage once a week. Her cage is all shavings. I had liners but she is just way too messy for them. I also wash her hammock and tube liner once a week.
I have a martin cage with a pull out bottom. Every morning (after they've been up and playing all night) I sweep the poops off the shelves and out of their tube and house. The pull out bottom is lined with newspaper so I just roll it up and replace it every day. If Clyde would use the litter box, I wouldn't do it so often! I clean out the litter box every day. Sounds excessive, but the cage is in my living room and I don't want an odor.
Tuesdays and Fridays I clean all the cages - scrape and dump pans and put in new well as clean the insides of the cages and replace any soiled hay cubes. If it didn't take me a full 7 hours to clean the cages and the rooms from top to bottom, I would clean all the cages every single day. A few of my customers replace the shavings or liners every day...

Every day in the morning and again at night I sweep up and vacuum the chin rooms, as well. The droppings and hay and other things need to be cleaned up daily off the floor.

Once a week really is the minimum for any chin cage with removal of any wet hay or anything else daily.
I sweep every night all the shelves, pee box bedding is changed, then once a week a wipe down, and fleece items are washed.
I sweep and change the litter in the potty pans every day. Change the liners every 2 days in my pairs' cages, and every 3 days in my singles' cages. I also wipe down the shelves once a week with hydrogen peroxide and water/vinegar mixture, along with the bass pans.
I vacuum the fleece liners every night, change the fleece liners on Tuesdays and Fridays and on Fridays I clean bowls, water bottles, wipe wheel down etc.
I change liners every 2 days. I wipe everything down including the bars of the cage. I vacuum the floor then as well.
I've completely changed the way I clean the chin room/cages. I used to clean all five cages on 'cage cleaning day' which often meant getting the three large ones done one day and the two smaller ones the next. Seemed like my two days off work was spent cleaning the chin room/cages.

Now I do a little bit of cleaning each day: sweep all shelves daily and pick one cage to totally clean out the bottom litter section. I no longer have a day that I'm confined to the chin room b/c I do a little bit of work each day and with five cages it all gets done by the end of the week. The chin room gets swept out several times in the evening after each pair or single guy goes back in. Seems to be working pretty well so far.