Chinchilla Chateau


More Beiges

TOV Beige

Homo Ebs

Homo Ebs
How come there are classes for the different beiges. I thought it was light, medium, dark color phase beiges.
With ECBC shows, beiges are not divided into color phases (light, medium, dark); there are homo beige, beige (het. beige) and TOV beige classes. I have never been to an MCBA show, but I believe MCBA separates animals by color phase.
I've made my point here, and still support it, so at this point I won't post more on that topic, but I do want to comment on your tone. You need to realize you aren't talking with idiots. I would imagine both Luke and I have been breeding and showing chins for a longer time then you have, and both of us have had a good deal of success on the show table. You don't need to tell us how quality chins are bred, but it seems to be what you keep on doing. It might be time to step of that horse, it looks pretty high from down here.
You're reading a tone that isn't there. I'm merely trying to discuss a topic with you and trying to let you understand where the whole separate class for carriers is coming from. Obviously you do not like any opinion that varies from your own or you wouldn't be reading the tone you say was there. I never implied or suggested that either you or Luke were idiots, if you read that, it's not my problem.
The reason we did it separately this show is that you look for different qualities in your carriers than you do in regular standards. You don't want to use an extra dark standard that would take class champion in your violet or sapphire lines. You want a lighter, clearer, bluer animal to use for your carriers.
We judged based on what you would want to go back to a sapphire line vs. a violet line. Because with violet you want more veiling in the lines than you want in the sapphires. If you work with either of these colors and the carriers they produce you'd understand why we made a separate "carrier" class rather than putting in a medium standard class.
I find it interesting that both of you feel the need to "toot your own horns" so to speak. I haven't posted anywhere on here about the great awards chins from my breeding have taken. To me, that's a last resort for people that have run out of arguments to make.
And one last thing Jeff, while you made a good point about the phases rather than carriers, I'm still in disagreement. I believe that carriers are not the same as regular standards. They are not the same genetically and shouldn't have to be the same phenotypically. Eventually they should be able to match up to a regular standard on their own merit but I think they deserve their own class.
Awesome pics Sumiko!:thumbsup: