Bugs in oxbow hay!

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Well, technically I've heard that also some human foods will have bugs ground up in them too since it's almost impossible to get out all insects during the cleaning process.

Like ketchup or peanut butter etc..
When you cut the hay, most farmers today have mowers that have a crusher at the end. Most bugs are on the hay and are killed going through the crusher. Of course when you bale it the bugs are collect in the hay. This is common with baling hay. Along with that you also get some weeds in the hay. This is more common in hay that is grown without chemicals. I always buy hay from farmers that sell bales. It is far cheaper than any hay in the stores. Most hay in the store runs around 2.50 to 4.00 a pound. Buying a bale of hay and even shipped comes to about 85 cents to 1.24 a pound. Much fresher and most sell the bales were the hay did not receive rain. This is not good for hay to be fed. Sometimes mold start to grow on the hay. Most farmers who advertise state if the hay got wet prior to baling it. The best hay you can buy comes from the states of Washington and Oregon. At the same time good hay also comes out of PA. I am going to try a new farmer out of PA. I am trying to get mixed bale hay that is Timothy, Brome and Orchard grass. My chins love Orchard grass.