Bubbles at the vets!

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I've known Bubbles since the day she was born. She was tiny. A lot smaller than her two brothers.
I've had her all her life. Her teeth from what her xray saw was fine, apart from the fillings that were needed done.
Hay- Bubbles would eat it, but she prefered her pellettes a lot more. She'd completely destroy her hay stack but only after there's nothing else for her to eat...
Obviously, since she's been ill she hasn't gone near it.
Bubbles is 530 grams- a little small for her. I know she's a lot smaller than she used to be, but she's getting pretty old. For an 9 year old girl she's old.
She'll make through it :) The up growing roots aren't a problem atm, it's not exactly a massive concern (which is what my vet said) It is one thing I'm affraid of, but I'm more concerned at the fact that she just doesn't really feel like eating. Bubbles was always eating- it's all I saw her do (apart from eating everything she got her hands on)
She'll be fine :) :D Thanks for everyones help!
Size is not a indication of trouble. Wieght flucutation yes but not adult size. Yes males are usually smaller than females but also not always the truth. I have had adult females top out at 480 grams, that's just their size. I had one male for several years that was 495 constantly. Why are some people 100lbs fully grown and others 300? That's just body frame and individual build. Certain colors tend to be larger or smaller than others but the fact that this chin was sold to a pet home and not to a breeder sugests that it was deliberately not used in breeding due to the small size.

With that said, if she is holding her wieght and acting good I wouldn't change anything. Obviously if she starts loosing wieght of doesn't want to eat as much she may need her teeth done again. One rescue I took in had to have his teeth done every 4 months for almost 3 yrs before the root enlogation got bad. So just be aware if it happend once it will happen again, its just at what intervole.

Apparently you have never been to my rescue. :p Most of the chins we have come in are smaller than 550 grams. Yes, we sometimes have the larger 700-800 chins, but it's unusual. We just adopted out a girl, with no teeth issues, who was 480 at her highest. She was just an all around petite chin. It's not near as unusual as you would think.
Vincenza is pretty little too, she's about 560. Cinnamon is a little bigger, she's around 600. She was little when we got her. I think around 380 at 6 months?