Bruce Lee chins

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I was wondering if anybody else chins does the Bruce Lee wipe. My 2 boys sometimes sits watches me and then wipe their noses but just like Bruce Lee but especially:hug2: when they are annoyed. It's SO cute!!!:hug2:
lol, my girl does it. That's her sign to us that she is annoyed with us we figured :)o hehehe... so cute though. Wanted to annoy her just so she would do it :dance3:
If you're refering to the nose swipe, my boy Ricky does it all the time to pick out something in his nose and then eats it! Very funny to watch.
That's the Fu Man Chu move. I love watching them do that, but especially like watching the double Fu Man Chu.
LOL! I did not know it had a name. I have seen a couple of my boys do that, and it looks to me like they are quite frustrated when they do it!
Edgar does that after his dust bath or if I gave him too many shuggles. Never thought of it as the Bruce Lee swipe but I can definately see it. I think it's really cute.

I've also seen Edgar doing something that looks like the dancing gopher in Caddyshack. Usually again after a dust bath and snuggles.

Maybe all chinchillas are little Kung Fu fighters with a sense of humor. Of course Edgar seems to be wanting Ninja skills that will baffle us and let him escape his cage.
kishi does that when she's thinking, she'll run around paly, then suddenly stop, swipe her nose, and then keep on paying
This is sooo funny!! I was wondering why my little guy kept wiping his nose. (he does it probably 4 or 5 times when he is out every night) I find it rather cute!
My guys and girl wipe their noses after running around and smelling things, and ALWAYS after bathing. Mork LOVES to wipe his nose. He's so cute.
Never seen him eat it though! :vomit:
Biggy does it all the time! It is so cute and funny. lol Though Murphy does not do it as much as Biggy i don't know why.
my girls do that constantly when they are excited, and also after a dust bath, just to clear out any itchies.
We call it "The Nose Swipe of DOOM" since it's usually followed by a run attack at the wall or us. Cutest thing ever.