Blood is Back

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Expert Wheel Scrubber
Jan 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
I found more blood in Ron's cage this morning. She's back on antibiotics now. I'm going to do the full two weeks this time and use the acidophilus to try to keep her tummy from getting too upset. Poor old girl. :(
Has your vet done a culture and sensitivity test yet? Maybe the bacteria she has is resistant and not being fully killed off by the antibiotic you are giving currently and would do better with another antibiotic. Just a thought in case you haven't explored this route yet.
Has your vet done a culture and sensitivity test yet? Maybe the bacteria she has is resistant and not being fully killed off by the antibiotic you are giving currently and would do better with another antibiotic. Just a thought in case you haven't explored this route yet.

No, he hasn't. Would he have to anesthetize her in order to get a sample?
Depends on how he wants to get a sample. I have had a vet just collect a pee sample instead of taking a needle to get it from the bladder. The needle is the 'best' method for getting an uncontaminated sample. However an expressed sample may work if you cannot anesthetize her. I had one we didn't want to anesthetize either, and did the expressed pee. We did get a contaminated sample, but doc said it was very obvious which was from within the hedgehog and what was from the bowl we got the pee out of (thankfully).

Might be something to ask if this doesn't clear it up for good. We had trouble with blood urine with Patton. Once off the antibiotics it came back. The c&s showed he had a very antibiotic resistant strain of staph. In fact it was so resistant that only 1 antibiotic that we tested worked and it was one doc would have never normally used as it was injection only.
Thanks Kalandra! I'll ask him about this. I still think it's just an infection of some type, because she has no swellings or anything that I can detect. Fingers crossed!
Very bad news. Ronnie just peed and there was so much blood. Way more than ever before. I managed to get ahold of my vet and he called in a prescription for a different antibiotic for me. I'm just about to go pick it up, but I don't know if antibiotics are going to do anything at this point. :cry3:
Oh I do hope poor Ronni will be okay. Sending prayers your way, best of luck to the both of you.

jean :prayer:
Oh no... I'm sorry to hear this. What antibiotic will she be trying next? Hemi had very good luck with Chloropalm.
She's on amoxicillin now. It's banana flavoured and she seems to really like it. That's one small mercy I suppose.
The strawberry variety is popular over here. Kismet just came off of it, and Vette had it a few months ago too.

Small victories, I guess.
OH NO! Im so sorry to hear!

Is it possible that its not bacterial and maybe other options need to be explored? Is there any way the vet can prescribe a pain killer in case she starts showing signs of pain? That way you would have to wait until you got ahold of your vet again and it will already be there?
She's on Metacam which I believe is a pain killer, right? The vet suggested I increase her dose to cover any pain she might be having.

There was a lot more blood this morning, and she got it all over herself. When I was cleaning her up, it looked as though it may be coming from her anus rather than her urinary tract. I'm going to call the vet on my break and tell him. I don't know if that will change her treatment at all.
It may change his approach completely. Has she had a fecal test done? If not take a stool sample in and have him examine it. He will want tocheck for abnormal bacteria levels, parasites, etc.
Good luck! When Kismet had slight instances of blood in her stool, the vet pinpointed it to a bacterial infection in her intestines. It caused vomiting, green poop and bloody stool. Not nearly as much blood as you're describing, but maybe Ron has a very advanced infection. Does she have sores around her anus? When Hemi was sick, she developed little blood blister type things that would pop every time she pooped. The vet lanced them, packed them with medicine and instructed me to keep the area dry.
OK, I spoke to the vet. He said he needs to know for sure where the blood is coming from before he can do anything. So, when I get home from work tonight I am going to give Ron a foot bath. She always pees and poops in the bath, so I'll be able to see where the blood is coming from. Once we know the source, the vet will be able to adjust her treatment as necessary. He said that if the blood is coming from her GI tract, it could possibly be ulcerations caused by the Metacam. I'm going to try to get a fecal sample for him to test as well, just in case. I'm very anxious about being away from her - I just want to get home and look after her.