Black wait its a...

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Hmmm, round trip plane tickets from NY to Oregon, travel car, lock picks and ninja outfit, travel cage for chinchilla: $2000
Stealing Eclipse so that she is MINE AND MINE ALONE: Priceless. ^^
Did I also say she was stunning earlier? I meant she was stunted. I am doing a study on small ugly chins and I will be picking her up Friday. ;)
Did I also say she was stunning earlier? I meant she was stunted. I am doing a study on small ugly chins and I will be picking her up Friday. ;)
:hilarious: Oh, that's made my day.

That girly is quite something. I love the fact that she has the beautifully white tipped tail & the deep black nose marking. Her paw spats are endearing too.
Absolutely gorgeous. :heart: