Biting my tongue

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Chinchilla Servant
Oct 23, 2013
I had to do an emergency Petsmart run for hay for my boyfriend's rabbit and I happened to notice a guy buying chinchilla food. He was carrying the cheapest brand with the treats. It takes so much to not speak up because I have before and I got "This is my pet and they like what I feed them."
Little rant.
I was in Petsmart the other day and noticed their 5lb. bag of Oxbow was $17.99! No wonder so many people feed crappier brands.
Hmmm... it's like when I was in a pet store and noticed fresh grass in their (let's call it) cage... They said the BREEDER gives it to them all the time... at least they took it out after they noticed that I wouldn't pet it go... but poor little guys...
I work at a Petsmart and I do the same thing with customers( or even if I am a customer at another store lol), even if I am not helping them and I just see something in their cart that's isn't good for their pet(be it a chinchilla, guinea pig, bearded dragon, etc.) I always let them know about the food or whatever they have and why it isn't good and what is better! I don't care if they don't want to hear about it! Lol it is my job to educate people and if they choose not to listen at least I tried! Some people just don't know any better and if I just assume people won't listen to me then that doesn't help anyone!
With that being said there is a wrong way and a right way to go about letting them know their current choice isn't the best one! People get defensive when they think they are being told they are "bad owners" and think they are being told they are mistreating their pets! So you have to be delicate with them lol
I have seen a guy at the one near us also direct people towards oxbow but I haven't seen him there in a while, of course I've also started ordering offline to save money.
I was in Petsmart the other day and noticed their 5lb. bag of Oxbow was $17.99! No wonder so many people feed crappier brands.

Yeah, a five pound bag of Oxbow for me runs about $20 Canadian once all is said and done with taxes. Its EXPENSIVE! I mean, it lasts for a good few months with only the one chinchilla, but yeah, its pricey stuff :/