I'm a fan of Oxbow, but have heard equally great reviews about Mazuri! I was using the brand made by the undisclosed pet store that sold me Sam for the reasons one would think, until I started reading about how bad all the treats in that mix are for them to be eating daily. I mixed in the Oxbow pellets and picked out all the treats for a few weeks just to make sure Sam didn't get sick form the change.
He was a total brat about the boring pellet-only mix, of course! He would push his ceramic bowl across the first level to above wherever his wooden sleep house was (he moves it, but I moved it to try to stop this nonsense) and then push it off so it knocked into the house on the way down in the middle of the night almost every night for a week or two in protest. But he finally got over it and loves it now!
Korie and Sam