As some of you know I picked up little Ben from the breeder yesterday (a very filthy, cold home with no heating for her poor hedgies) and he was quite lethargic and had a runny/constant moist nose which he was licking a lot. I took Ben to the vet this morning and found out that luckily the little guy has inflamation probably caused by the breeder keeping it so cold in her apartment as well as stress from the move and NOT any kind of infection. The vet, who is amazing and very knowledgeable about hedgies btw, said just to keep an eye on him to make sure that the discharge doesn't change colors and he doesn't get any worse, make sure he stays warm (of course), and to please call him on Monday to let him know how he's doing. Other than that he said that little Ben is beautiful and looks very healthy, gave me some great general hedgie tips, and said little Ben is 175 grams (at 6 weeks old). I feel much better now knowing that my little man doesn't have an infection and am hoping his inflamation goes down quickly so he can feel much better. I never take any chances with any of my animals and ALWAYS get them to the vet right away whenever i suspect or am unsure of anything, better safe than sorry with my boys as they are my world. Oh and as a last note, Ben was already much more alert and active today at the vets office and even tried biting the vet since he had other animal smells on him lol. He has quite the little personality, but before anyone says anything NO I do not allow him to bite. It was actually a shock that he did as he already knows and found out last night thats not allowed, but I guess it was just the new smells of all the other animals on the vet must have smelled tasty lol.