as anyone's chin ever just have giant poos one day? My little girl was spayed 2 weeks ago and was recently weaned off of syringe feeding CC. Her poos were really small right after surgery and have been getting larger, but not quite to their previous size. All of a sudden today I looked in on her and there are gigantic poos in her cage! Like 5-6x as big as the ones she has been having lately and at least 2x as big as I have every seen from her. Is this weird? They are a normal color and a very even texture. Not too soft or wet but not dry. Diameter is similar to her pre-surgery poos. If not for the size I would say they are perfect.
They're almost the size of a jelly belly, if that's not too gross of a comparison, just a bit thinner. Is this anything for concern or should I just assume she's having a rather active digestive day? Hopefully as fellow chin owners you guys aren't grossed out by this.