beautiful ebony boy at pet store nearby...

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
So I was hanging out with my friends Dana and Chris today, and Dana was like, "Yesterday I went to Knisely's (pet store) and there were two chinchillas there! There was a big one and a little one!" Well, stupid me decided LET'S GO LOOK THERE'S NO HARM.

Well, the baby was gone, but there was a big, beautiful light/medium ebony! I asked his gender, but they didn't know, so I asked if I could look. The lady got the chin out for me and he's a big, beautiful boy! He's HUGE! I bet he's a thousand grams, easy! I think he might be a little chubby, but I'm not all that familiar with big chins, so...

He was pretty relaxed, didn't bite or anything, didn't slip any fur.

Now the question is...

Should I support the pet store and give this handsome gentleman a home?! He wasn't in the worst condition, but they didn't have anything for him to chew on and it was quite warm and not very well ventilated. :( His plastic igloo had been chewed in half!
do whatever you feel that you need to do. if you have the space and the means to do so, then do it! the only argument i can see coming, is that they will re-stock with more chins... but in my opinion, there will always be people that buy from pet-stores. give the little guy a chance to be spoiled and loved... because in many cases, that does not happen.
As others say: "Pet shop chins need homes too." I am very torn in this matter but fortunately I'm maxed out right now with the seven I have so realistically I can't take in another fuzz butt. Sounds like a hunk of burning chin love at 1000 grams. :))

Edit: Oh, and most people would want the baby chin but me, I want the BIG ones.
The only thing I'd need to buy other than the chin is a slab of granite, another water bottle and some planks of wood to make shelves and ledges.

Oh, I really think this boy is gonna come home with me tomorrow!
awww! well best of luck with him! im sure you will spoil him rotten!
What is your heart telling you? I know you will make the best decision for you and Miss Tia. If you bring him home I'm sure he will think he died and went to chinnie heaven.
If you like him, go for it. Whether you buy him or someone else, they ARE going to "restock" the shelf, so to speak. Get him, enjoy him, and keep him faaaaaaar away from Tia. :)
Get him, enjoy him, and keep him faaaaaaar away from Tia. :)

Of course! I was planning on getting another female, but you know how these things happen... Trust me, if I do get a boy (this one or otherwise), he will be kept across the room from Tia after being quarantined. That way they can "chat" but not have BABIES.

Ps. I messed up earlier, the boy at the pet store is actually a black velvet or maybe a very dark standard! :D
I totally agree with the whole being torn on pet shop chins, or any animals for that matter. (puppies comming from puppy mills!) but you said he is sweet and well tempered, I agree with do what your heart tells you. So many people,again, want the cute little babies, it's in a sense human nature. And like others have said, yes, they will restock with another one once they are out, thats the way life is and really, there isn't much you, or we as a group, can do about it sadly. You could kind of look at it as rescuing him. Even tho it's from a pet shop and not a chin rescue, in a sense it's kind or the same thing, tho in my oppinion, worse. At least in Chin rescues they get proper care and love, unlike petstores. The biggest concern with petstores is that since they are closed so early at night, when they are active, noone is there, and when they want to sleep, they have people, not just kids, poking and prodding at them. Which generally turns them "mean"
I'd like to see pictures and a true weight - 1000 grams from a typically young 'petshop' chin is highly unusual, especially on 'petshop feed'!
Wonder how big he'll get on good food and hay?
Good luck with him.
hmm I didn't know Knisley's sold chins... thats tempting.. lol jk.

I have 2 pet store chins (I actually bought them from someone who bought them at a pet store) and one is my lap chin. He will sit with me as long as I want him to and he will let me do anything to him. He's one of those chins I could put a hat or decorations on and wouldn't care at all. I personally am torn, like everyone else, about personally buying from a pet store but all chins need homes.

I say do what you feel is right (which i'm sure you're probably going to have him later today if thats the case!).

Also.. with him being a big boy... It might be all fur. My other petstore chin is HUGE. she's bigger then my 820 gram male but she is literally ALL FUR and she weighs around 600 grams.

Good luck with whatever you do (and post pics!!)
I hope you get him, Ash! I got my first boy from the pet store and he's the most incredible chin. All any chin wants is love and the way I see it is, if you don't get him somebody else will and that person probably won't be as good of a care-taker as we know you will be. So he definitely deserves to go home with you! Can't wait for pics! =D
Go for it, Ash!!!

My Mr. Whiskers was a petstore chin, and I look at it as having rescued him. He was in a small tank in a small petstore in Evanston, WY, and I fell in love with him the minute he crawled up my arm and whisked me with those amazing whiskers for which he is named!!! I couldn't just leave him there to be tormented by people banging on the glass.

I think that you will enjoy having a big, fat, chinnie that you can hold, love on and play with while Princess Tia is recovering from her injuries.

Who knows, you may just decide to have the big guy neutered (by an experienced Exotic vet!!!) and letting him and Tia live their lives happily ever after. What a wonderful fairy tale ending for your little princess... :hearts:
Pics, pics, pics! I got Shelly from Petsmart. She won me over when she was put in my arms and fell asleep. He is going to LOVE living with you.