Bear gave me a very bad scare today. I was checking up on him and I found him lying in his cage limp with his eyes open. I rushed over to pick him up and he had stopped breathing, but I saw his eye move a tiny bit. If I wouldn't have saw his eye move, I would have thought for sure he was dead. I noticed something in his mouth..I ended up getting it out and doing the 'baby puppy shake' (what we use to get any fluid out of a puppy's lungs after they are born) to dislodge anything else. After that he gasped for air and perked right up. I thought it was a pellet but now that I look at the object more, I think it was dried up mucous.
After I got him breathing again, he perked up and even went straight to his water bottle and started drinking, and running from me when I tried to pick him back up again.
I took him to work with me and put him in the O2 tank so I could keep an eye on him and hopefully give him a boost. I have been able to keep one nostril open, and I've been putting vaseline on the scabbed over one in hopes of moistening up the scab. I also gave him a makeshift nebulizer by using Vicks and boiling water.
He still isn't seeming to be breathing much better, but at least he's not getting worse. He will try to eat on his own, and I even got him to eat half a rose hip for a bit of a boost in Vitamin C. I have found that he can take more liquid CC better than the more mushy kind.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts. I haven't gotten much sleep because overnight I check on him every hour to be sure his nose isn't clogged.