Baby pictures!

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I can't think of any names specifically but I can post some themes you could base them on :)

-Queens/Princesses (fact or fiction :))
-Fabrics (ex, flannel, cotton, satin)
-Pop stars
-Hugh Hefner's 3 girlfriends: Holly, Bridget, and Kendra (running low on ideas! xD)

Oh oh, what about.. the 3 female voice types? Soprano, Mezzo (actually called Mezzo-Soprano but you could cut the soprano out :)), and Contralto
Oooh I like the princess idea. Ariel for sure, she is my favorite. That will be one of the cinnamon girls, then I have another I think cinnamon but lighter (of course they may change colors after quilling, correct?) And one albino girl. Snow White! Ok, I need one more...maybe Jasmine or Rapunzel or even Cinderella? Help!!!!
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Deffinately Cinderella, just don't tell Philip, it will confuse him...
I like the princess name idea, too! That would be cute! And then you could match the cage decor to their names, hehe! The babies are just too adorable! You should post more pics! :cute: