baby Lisa chin!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
I am visiting my little baby Lisa chin tomorrow! I am VERY excited! Kristy has graciously allowed her home to be invaded by me, Carol (eroomlorac) and Sandi (3chinsowner) tomorrow! I will absolutely be taking pics! I hope I can get a family shot, mother/daughter shot and mom, dad and baby Lisa chin! I also would love to get pics of Kristy with her and maybe a pic or two or 12 zillion of me and Lisa chin LOL!

I'll make sure to update ya'll when I get back tomorrow night!
Kristy, what were you thinking letting all of them in there at better check pockets/purses and such before they leave.

Laurie are you sure you will be able to just visit her and really walk away without her coming home just yet?
Kristy, what were you thinking letting all of them in there at better check pockets/purses and such before they leave.

:innocent: I would never do that! I'm hoping the weather is cool tomorrow so that I could wear a big loose jacket with pockets on the inside! ;)
OMG I better get a really big purse cause a certain someone wants Jabba . . .
To quote Marshall, "hello ladies, please leave your purses at the door!" LOL

To quote Marshall, "hello ladies I'll have to frisk you before you leave, let's see those ****s"

To quote Marshall, "Kristy! Quit hitting me! I had to check those ****s to see if they were real or made of chins! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"
To quote Marshall, "hello ladies, please leave your purses at the door!" LOL

To quote Marshall, "hello ladies I'll have to frisk you before you leave, let's see those ****s"

To quote Marshall, "Kristy! Quit hitting me! I had to check those ****s to see if they were real or made of chins! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

I'm sititng here snickering. My mental picture was of clevage and a tail sticking straight up. Then one of them trying to account for chest hair and some waxing story to come. :hilarious: Make sure they wipe off lipstick and lip gloss or the little ones will be sporting some wild mohawks. You all are too funny!
Right THIS second I'm getting ready! I can't wait!!!!! I only wish I had a bigger bra to stuff some chinnies in!!! Maybe no one will notice my butt has gone from the size of Texas to the size of Alaska and I can squeeze some in there! LOL!
Get a chin for me will ya? And if you run outta room stick 2 kits in your underwear along with 1 fist full of long chew sticks. (Nobody will try to check that out!)