Baby chin injury

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Nick - I'm going to throw one out at you as well. You are barely able to handle the pregnancy you have dealt with. You are not in any position to be giving advice to other people with breeding or hand feeding issues.
You probably caused that chin more pain and suffering by lopping off his leg without any anesthetic. He is probably severely traumatized from the experience, I'd be aggressive too!

I just had a baby with both hind legs being chewed by him and his mother. I took him to a VET and paid for the procedure to be done properly and as painlessly as possible. Posting that you just lopped off a leg without any vet advice or anesthetic is sickening. Can you imagine that being done to you??

Nick, you're still constantly asking questions about your babies. Please don't post advice when you are still trying to learn yourself. Copy/pasting from the FAQ section or other member's posts is a bit shady and not very helpful, at least try to use your own words to explain it. :)
hey if you can get used to feeding and the baby makes it, you will have a VERY special bond to him. I have a baby that came from a petstore where the people were actually stupid enough to put multiple unrelated chins, up to 4 of them, in a wire cage and have a WIRE RAT WHEEL in it. Well guess what happened? Little Elmer, ( one of the chins) was a baby and the others didnt like him for whatever reason, he got jammed and stuck with his foot in the wire wheel. THEN the foot was completely severed, and the hip bone was actually splintered out and showing where it should connect to the hip. His foot was dead, and he was left that way for three days. I offered to try to cut it6 off because I couldnt stad it they wouldnt take him to a vet.

SO, I cut it off, I amputated him. I used n antibiotic and metacalf everyday and now he is great!!

That is totally disgusting and unacceptable. Poor Elmer should have gone to a vet.

Wow. Yeah, metacam isn't really an anesthesia. I'm hoping that the chin is alright. I'd take a chin like that to my vet for an amputation, most likely. Not just because I am not a competent surgeon and I hate the sight of blood, but also because the vet has the proper equipment and anesthesia....chins really should be knocked out for such a procedure and xrays may have been a good idea. Poor little guy...
You would take it to the vet or you wouldn't? To me there is no "most likely." What would you do if you didn't take it to the vet?
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I was being a little sarcastic. I'd definitely go to the vet! I don't perform surgeries here...I have no experience with that at all. I don't have the proper equipment...I don't have the anesthesia.

Don't worry, Meanie...I would not let an animal suffer. Thanks. :)
There is NO substitute EVER for proper vet care. To think that a chin (or any animal) had an amputation without anesthesia makes me physically ill. EXPERIENCED breeders can do alot of small procedures on chins (like subcutaneous injections and whatnot), but why would anyone perform a surgical procedure on one? That's torture, plain and simple. It boggles the mind...
Are you a troll, APchins? Because not only do you describe doing something horrifying to your chinchilla, you also described it in the worst way possible. "SO I chopped it off for him" Chopped it off? As opposed to removed it? And without any for of anesthesia or antiseptic? It's a miracle Elmer survived (if there even is an Elmer).
THEN the foot was completely severed, and the hip bone was actually splintered out and showing where it should connect to the hip. His foot was dead, and he was left that way for three days. I offered to try to cut it6 off because I couldnt stad it they wouldnt take him to a vet.

SO, I cut it off, I amputated him. I used n antibiotic and metacalf everyday and now he is great!! He iis a little smaller than most would be because his energy went into repairing his leg, but you would NEVER KNOW.

You've already had comments on this but I have to say that what you did to that poor chinchilla is beyond barbaric.

Apart from the obvious issue of pain there are other factors to consider:
Without professional veterinary assessment you had no idea of the actual amount of damage in the limb.
You also had no idea whether there was any infection inside that "splintered" bone.
If there was a serious injury by the chin's upper leg how did you close the wound?
Did you leave it open? If so the risks of infection were enormous plus there was risk of the bone drying out & dying.
Did you close the wound over the splintered end of the bone? If so there is risk of continued injury to the tissue because the bone is sharp/jagged. You would have bottled in any infection. There is also the above-mentioned risk of infection deep in the bone which may lead to problems later down the road.
After 3 days there was also a risk of septicaemia for the chin (infection in the bloodstream) which can be fatal.

A vet would have performed a full professional evaluation, assessment, & examination based on years of professional training. They have a full understanding & working practice in areas of anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, & surgical techniques (even if not specifically chinchilla related).
Surgery would have been performed using correct anaesthetic, pain relief (probably injectable to begin with &/or during the surgery itself), other drugs or sub-cut fluids, sterile techniques etc They would have cleaned the bone & also shaped the bone (taken away any rough edges) to prevent further problems. They would also have ensured the tissue surrounding the bone was viable, clean, & sufficient to cover the bone end. The wound would have been properly surgically closed & appropriate antibiotic therapy prescribed alongside pain relief.

Now, please explain why you didn't feel it appropriate to take that chin to the vets for professional treatment & proper pain relief?
That person had a baby who suffered before it died with no vet, not suprised at all. Its scarey the type of people out there who breed and disregard life so easily.